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BUG:Horsemen not upgradeable

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  • BUG:Horsemen not upgradeable

    o 1 Horsemen unit
    o 1 City w/barracks and connected to iron and horse resources
    o Chivalry advance

    1. Move Horsemen to city.
    2. a. Press "U"
    b. Press "SHIFT+U"

    a. Dialog asking for money to upgrade Horsemen to Knights as detailed in Civilopedia entry "Units:Horsemen"
    b. Dialog asking for money to upgrade all Horsemen to Knights

    a. No action.
    b. Dialog stating "We have not a single Horseman that can be upgraded."

  • #2
    Send me a save game file and I will take a look at it.


    • #3
      The unit has to be in a city with a harbor/barracks in it to upgrade.


      • #4
        My early guess would be you have a civ that has a Knight-based Special unit, like War Elephants, or Samurai. The upgrades don't 'connect' on the unique units.


        • #5
          Now it would be a shame if we were unable to upgrade units! I hope that is an easily fixable bug, or just an error by our side... anyway, once again I'm not pleased...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Grunthex
            My early guess would be you have a civ that has a Knight-based Special unit, like War Elephants, or Samurai. The upgrades don't 'connect' on the unique units.
            Yeah, that could be it. I put the ability to upgrade units to the respective UU equivalents. See my sig for the mod.


            • #7
              How does that work? You can only have one upgrades-to unit, so if you set horsemen to Samurai instead of Knight, either every civ is gonna get Samurai, or no one but the Japanese will be able to upgrade their Horsemen.

              I think someone mentioned that the best way would be to allow a civ to produce the Non-UU version, so that while you'd still have to make your Samurai from scratch, you could atleast upgrade your horsemen to Knights.


              • #8
                Save File Attached

                I am playing as the English, whose special unit is man-of-war. There are two Horseman units you can move to York or London, which have barracks and are supplied with horses and iron. I have upgraded Spearman units to Pikeman units there, but Horseman units fail altogether.

                Thank you,

                Dar Steckelberg
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  I have the exact same problem, Im playing as the Americans, I got ALL my cities connected by roads, I have horses from Indians who are trading them to me, and I got several sources of Iron too, I got more then enuff money to upgrade my horseman, yet the game will not allow me to, I got the message not a single horseman can be upgraded or something like that. I do believe myself that this is a bug since my horseman were also obsoleted by knights.


                  • #10
                    I am able to upgrade horsemen to knights with no problem, playing as the Eqyptians.
                    Call me Frank.
                    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. - Thomas Jefferson


                    • #11
                      I think I've been able to isolate this. The problem was I did not have the $$$ to upgrade.

                      It costs 80 (what? sous? ducats?) to upgrade from Horseman to Knight, as opposed to 20 to upgrade from Spearman to Pikeman. It appears that I did not have the 80 in my treasury when attempting to upgrade my Horseman.

                      However, when I *did* manage to scrape up 80, the confirmation dialog appeared, and I was able to upgrade.

                      So this can be resolved as "not a bug", but a message box stating, "You can't afford to!" would certainly be welcome.


                      Dar Steckelberg

