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Help- how do I diband trade agreements?

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  • Help- how do I diband trade agreements?

    (note if you dont like stories head to the last paragraph for my question)

    Ok, I really needed Saltpeter after researching gunpowder and of course I had none in my territory.

    So the indians are the only civ with an extra saltpeter resource and so im stuck bartering with them to get it.

    Having a small treasury they wouldnt accept a lump sum, I had no extra resources they wanted, and the only way I could get them to trade was to offer 20 gold a turn (ok so it was a rotten deal but I wanted saltpeter!!!)

    Ok so Im doing good but then I get nationalism, and can build riflemen that do not require saltpeter. Ok, whatever, ill wait the 20 turns and get my 20g a turn back.

    Ok now Im in the bloody modern area and im still paying 20 gold a turn for resources I dont need, and for the life of me I cant find anyway to disband it.

    It seems that if you trade something on a turn basis (such as resource for resource or resource for gold/turn), it continues on indefinately unless stopped by a war. Yet if you pay a lump sum or whatever for a resource, it lasts 20 turns then is done.

    Sorry im being longwinded so ill get to the point, how the hell do I disband indefinite trade agreements???

  • #2
    Contact the leader and ask to make a deal. Click on "Active" in the lower portion of the screen. All of your active treaty/trade agreements will appear on the table. Click on the egregious deal to remove it, then click on Never mind to close the table.


    • #3
      I'd have prefered if it was easier

      ?? you learn something new every day
      Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


      • #4
        Thanks, I was having troubles with this also.

