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Civ3 black screen/refresh rate problem after intro movie

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  • Civ3 black screen/refresh rate problem after intro movie

    Athlon 1200 machine, geforc2mx-200 card running latest detonators (have tried 12.41 as well. Using a fairly old goldstar monitor which can do 75hz in 1024x768.

    It seems that civ3 insists on setting my monitors refresh rate to something it can't handle (my guess is that it tries to go to 1024x768x16 @85hz), the symptoms are exactly the same as when i set the monitor to 85hz in 1024 in windows, power led blinks, black screen but the game is running underneath i can tell (i can hear the music play and hear sound effects).
    Introduction movie plays fine btw, this only happens after it.

    I have tried adding keepres=1 to my config file with no result.

    Solutions welcome, otherwise i hope the developers notice and fix this problem so us people with older monitors can play too.

  • #2
    Had the same problem...

    You probably run Windows2000 or Win XP. Civ sets the monitor refresh rate (wrongly).
    Alt+TAB out of Civ and start the Contrl Panel/Display and set the Monitor refresh rate to something your monitor supports.

    Hope that helps.


    • #3
      If you can't alt-tab out of the game (I couldn't when i had this problem) there are three other ways to sort the refresh rate problem :
      1. If you've got a brand name monitor, go to the manufaturers website and download and install the drivers for it - these should limit the refresh rates that windows/Civ3 willl try to display to ones that will work with your monitor.
      2. If you have a cheap non-branded monitor or you can't find drivers for it, download, install and run this utility (instructions at ) and set the default refresh rate using this program - 60Hz will definately work, anything higher than that depends on your monitor - most will work at 75-85Hz as well.
      3. Or edit the registry manually to sort this problem - Follow Dire Wolf's instructions at

      This problem only affects computers with nvidia cards running winXP or 2000 and using the default windows monitor drivers.
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