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Bad Graphics Device causing crash?

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  • Bad Graphics Device causing crash?

    I'm having a lot of problems running Civ 3(keep on getting Civilization3.exe crash messages right after I select an option at the opening menu)...the text seems to be screwed up( overlapping) I have an Intel Graphics Controller 82810, can anyone confirm if that's the problem? Do I need a 3-D accelerator or something?

  • #2
    This problems has been diescussed multimple times on the forum.

    The short answer is this:

    1) reduce the number of background applications running. Civ is a resource pig and needs as much systme resources as possible

    2) Reduce the number of fonts in yoour font directory to less than 256 or so - more than that and civ seems to have difficulty recognizing the Lucinda font that it uses

    Good luck - in the future please use the search capability to see if others have reported similar issues.


    • #3

      I have the same video driver, and my game never get's past the title screen. Is the video dirver not compatible with directx 8.0 maybe?


      • #4
        Yeah, my girlfriend's computer has the same Intel 82810 graphics card (piece of crap HP computers) and I can't run the game either. It just says that Civilization3.exe has crashed when i try to get past the world parameters screen. This sucks


        • #5
          Well, I've lowered the fonts (to 70 or so) and cleared everything but explorer and systray from the ctrl-alt-del list of running programs, still I get the font problem on the menus and civilization3.exe crash after the world parameter screen.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SerapisIV
            Well, I've lowered the fonts (to 70 or so) and cleared everything but explorer and systray from the ctrl-alt-del list of running programs, still I get the font problem on the menus and civilization3.exe crash after the world parameter screen.
            I've tried it too. No changes, it still crashes in the exact same way as before.


            • #7
              This font fix only works in some cases it seems. My solution was to install the latest DirectX off the Net and update my video driver ... though I know in some cases your driver should be rolled BACK.
              I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

              "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

