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Bugs/Interface annoyances they need to fix in the patch

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  • Bugs/Interface annoyances they need to fix in the patch

    I've been faithfully playing since I got the game two days ago, and while I love the game, truth be told they could have done a better job. Here's my list of bugs I've encountered and other changes that NEED to be made.


    Foreign advisor screen isn't updated
    In every game I've played, the foreign advisors doesn't draw the lines signifying the diplomatic relations between the leaders correctly. It has yet to draw a "war" line; even after I sacked two of England's cities all it did was erase the "peace" line. In my current game I'm playing, even after I had contacted every civilization it still hadn't drawn single line connecting any of them to each other. If I save, exit the game, and then reload, THEN it fixes it.

    Lost workers
    The same "shuffle constantly between two tiles" bug I've seen in civ2 is back in civ3. In this case it was an automated worker, who for 6 turns entered and exited repeatedly one of my cities, as if they couldn't make up their mind. I had to manually override the automation to breaks its cycle.

    One nice feature about workers is that when a city they're working by is threatened with troops, they all retreat into the city. Unfortunately, they don't resume work after you annihilated the threat. I had to manually go into the city, individually click on each of the seven workers, and move them out of the city before I could automate them.

    AI building wonders I already built
    Huh? I built the Great Wall five turns ago. Why does the advisor say the Aztecs have just begun building it? I've seen this happen when AI built the a wonder too: a few turns later the advisor will pop up, saying the Americans have begun building what the Zulus had just completed.

    Massive barbarian cavalry!
    Actually, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. In one game I was playing as the Persians and had set the barbarians to the raging setting. It was about 1020 AD, and I had two of my cities on two seperate, uninhabited continents, each guarded only by a spearman. I knew their was barbarian settlements on both of them, since periodically a warrior would show up and attack my cities, but I wasn't that concerned.

    Then, after I had ended my turn I saw horseman after horseman pour out of the darkness at both of those cities. One after another they arrived, first I counted two, then five, then ten, then fifteen--would they ever stop?! I sat for two minutes while two armies of 24 barbarian horseman each came to rest outside my two cities. Next turn, they attacked.

    And, amazingly, my spearmen killed them one after the other, in the process getting promoted to elite status. I'm not sure if that was a glitch or not, but when they say "raging" they're not kidding!


    No mass wake/activate/fortify/update

    Why must I tediously right-click, then individually activate each unit when I got 12 of them fortified in a town or on a stack? Why should I have to do the same to update 20 units in the military advisor or city screen? There should be an "Activate All" and "Fortify All" command in the context window for units in a stack. There should also be some way of updating all your units at once (gold permitting) in both the city and military screen.

    That brings up another issue: how come I can update units in one city, but not in another? If they're all connected by roads, shouldn't they all have access to the resources?

    Where did I get that technology?
    In my current game the Sid face popped up five times in a row, telling me all the wonderful technologies I discovered. Well, while that is certainly nice, is it because I just discovered it on my own, got it free for passing an age, or get it through my great library? Guess I'll never know, because Sid doesn't tell you.

    Establishing embassies
    Would it have taken some feat of programming to put this in the foreign advisor screen, where it belongs? I had to dig through the manual to find the answer, and even then it was no miracle of clarity: click on the foreign ministry icon? What foreign ministry icon? (Spends 5 minutes clicking on everything in sight) Oh, you mean the star underneath my capital city! Well, duh, its so obvious!

    No goto city command
    Yeah, maybe it is redudant, but when you got two cities on opposite ends of the earth its frustrating to clicking on a unit, slooowwly drag the cursor through the sluggish screen scroll, and then click on where you want it to go.

    Can't disable palace view
    You know, some of us just don't really care what our palace looks like. Unfortunately, the game doesn't give us a choice.

    How much movement I have left?
    Guess I'll just have to keep track of where I was and what I crossed, for every unit, since the game doesn't tell me.

    Who built that wonder?
    Let's see...which city shall I smite first? Well, if I want to sack the one that contains the wonder I want, I'm gonna have to guess--the game doesn't have a wonder screen, for reasons unknown.

    Phew, that was long. Anyone care to add anything to this list?

  • #2
    Re: Bugs/Interface annoyances they need to fix in the patch

    Originally posted by Seraphim
    No goto city command
    Yeah, maybe it is redudant, but when you got two cities on opposite ends of the earth its frustrating to clicking on a unit, slooowwly drag the cursor through the sluggish screen scroll, and then click on where you want it to go.
    control-shift-G (nice and intuitive don't you think?)

    Who built that wonder?
    Let's see...which city shall I smite first? Well, if I want to sack the one that contains the wonder I want, I'm gonna have to guess--the game doesn't have a wonder screen, for reasons unknown.

    You raise many good points though. The interface is better than Civ2's but could have been so much better.


    • #3
      1. Is there a way to access the Civilopedia from the City Build menu? Putting the ADM next to the military units is nice but I'd like to be able to find out what the buildings do. Well, with years of playing Civ and Civ2 I already have a good idea, but would like to know what's changed.

      2. I move a unit into a square with others in it, but have to right click to see everyone? Why not have a popup little panel like when a naval unit is transporting?

      Otherwise I agree with everything you've said, but I'm pretty sure there is a Wonder Screen.


      • #4
        That brings up another issue: how come I can update units in one city, but not in another? If they're all connected by roads, shouldn't they all have access to the resources?
        In the manual it says you need a barracks in a city to upgrade units there, don't know if this has been changed, you'll have to check the readme file on the CD.
        IOU One sig file


        • #5
          Civ3 rocks! I've had 2 great games so far.

          *There should be an undo move command if you don't uncover the fog of war
          *City Disorder should be automated so that the governor corrects it for you and tells you they switched a worker to entertainer. Whenever I was going to war in a republic I'd be scrolling all over the map each turn trying to get my cities in line.
          *Galleys should be able to "pass thru" each other if they have at least 2 movement points. I had a game where the ocean tiles separating two continents was only 1 tile and the english kept trying to go in my directio and I kept trying to go in theirs to explore. Took more than a few turns for the english to shove off.


          • #6
            How much movement I have left?
            Watch the unit information box in the bottom right while moving, you'll see that one of the numbers decrements as you move. That's how you can tell how much movement you have left. Unfortunately, it doesn't count fractions (road movement).


            • #7
              Where did I get that technology?
              If you got it from the Great Library, Sid will tell you (he told me).

              I don't believe you get technologies for entering a new Age.

              All the techs you've received are due to the diligence of your scientists.


              • #8
                Civ3 rocks! I've had 2 great games so far.

                *There should be an undo move command if you don't uncover the fog of war
                *City Disorder should be automated so that the governor corrects it for you and tells you they switched a worker to entertainer. Whenever I was going to war in a republic I'd be scrolling all over the map each turn trying to get my cities in line.
                *Galleys should be able to "pass thru" each other if they have at least 2 movement points. I had a game where the ocean tiles separating two continents was only 1 tile and the english kept trying to go in my directio and I kept trying to go in theirs to explore. Took more than a few turns for the english to shove off.


                • #9
                  also, there is a discrepancy between the manual and the game concerning the Babylonian special unit the Bowman which the manual says the A.D.M is 2.1.2 but in the game it is 2.2.1


                  • #10
                    My biggest beef w/ the interface yet I think is where the hell is the info for the selected map square?! I know you can right click, but is it irrigated, got roads? Oh, I have to to right click, and then just look? No, Bull****, that needs to be listed somewhere...
                    And as long as were talking about thing that need to be added, PLEASE put an Airbase order back in. I've yet to make it to modern times where air-warfare is viable, but the fact that airbases seem to be non-existant is awful.

                    ...on an unrelated note, anyone know if there is double irrigating? I looked all over the civilopedia and couldn't find anything on it.
                    Remember kids: The higher your post count or the faster your computer, the larger your penis!


                    • #11
                      I don't believe you get technologies for entering a new Age.
                      If your civ is scientific you get a new technology for enterign a new age.
                      If you place a thing into the center of your life, that lacks the power to nourish. It will eventually poison everything that you are.
                      And destroy you. -Maxi Jazz, Faithless


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: Bugs/Interface annoyances they need to fix in the patch

                        control-shift-G (nice and intuitive don't you think?)

                        Well what do you know? I wish they mentioned the F7 command in the section on wonders, rather than burying it in the back of the book.

                        If you got it from the Great Library, Sid will tell you (he told me).
                        Maybe I'm misremembering. I'll have to wait for him to (hopefully) pop up again.

                        Watch the unit information box in the bottom right while moving, you'll see that one of the numbers decrements as you move. That's how you can tell how much movement you have left. Unfortunately, it doesn't count fractions (road movement).
                        Yeah, that's what I was referring to. The difference between one and 1/3's movement left is one of life and death when those longbowmen are at your doorstep.

                        In the manual it says you need a barracks in a city to upgrade units there, don't know if this has been changed, you'll have to check the readme file on the CD.
                        Aha! That would seem to be it. But even with a barracks I still can't upgrade a pikeman into a musketeer (I'm French) in my city. I have 170 gold in my treasury, so I should have enough. Or is it you can't upgrade to civ-specific units?

                        So...we can cross three off that list. Unfortunately, we can add more:

                        No cross-link for the civilopedia from the city build screen
                        Bugs me that I have to exit the city and then click on the 'pedia icon when I forget what the courthouse does.

                        Do I have enough gold for that upgrade?
                        It would be nice if it told you how much gold you have in your treasury when you upgrade a unit in the city or military advisor screen, just so you don't accidentally bankrupt yourself.


                        • #13
                          In the Civ Help Forum, a master list of bugs and problems is being kept:

                          To avoid lossing anything that you have discovered, it is important that you post it in that thread so it doesn't get lost or forgotten. The generel forum is not the place for this type of thread.

                          This thread is being moved to that forum, where most problems are being posted about.

                          Keep up the good work... Let's hunt down ALL the bugs.

                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #14
                            On the city management screen you can scroll through your cities
                            with the arrows up on top.

                            Not sure if that's more convenient, but you may consider it more intuitive than Ctrl-Shift-G, and that's what they're there for.

