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The 1.1 patch list

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  • #61
    AI does not put a different value for maps. e.g. you give him map and 60 gold for spice. then map and 60 gold for dye, etc. it does not realize that he got the same map in the same bargaining session....


    • #62
      Streamlined "quit" option. I don't want to see the AI leaders, world map, and histograph on a game I'm planning to reload later and play some more. I'd like something similar to Civ 2, where there was a Ctrl-Q option that dumped you out of the game right away, and a Ctrl-R that showed the powergraph.


      • #63

        1. When the foreign advisor pops up during the AI's turn and you click the "X" to make him go away, how about making him go away INSTANTLY instead of sticking around for a few seconds while the AI chuggs out another decision or two?

        Wouldn't seem hard to make all text windows automatically disappear before the AI does anything else that turn.

        2. Agree with the ability to access the Civilopedia from anywhere.

        3. Also agree with showing how long a trade, treaty, etc has been in effect also. It's annoying to have to write down exactly how many turns somehing has been in effect, a counter wouldn't be hard to add.

        4. Also agree to being able to see what treaties, trades, etc you have with the AI without having to open the diplomacy screen!! I am not sure if the Ai in Civ still get's upset if you call for no reason but it's _very_ annoying to not be able to view treaties and trades without calling the AI leader to see.

        5. How about build queue's that we can use for ALL cities??? It's nice to have build queues (FINALLY) in the game, but once you have more than ten cities it becomes HIGHLY tedious to have to configure a build queue for every single city. There SHOULD be a way to have multiple build queue's that you can make and load depending on the city state. Come on, Call to Power had this option yet Civ3 doesn't???

        6. How is it that the defended almost always seems to lose? I have seen it work for and against me. I have a unit like pikemen, fortified behind city walls and an archer wipes my guy out while barely being injured himself?

        This doesn't seem right. And I won't even comment on Cavalry losing to archer's, warriors and spearmen on a seemingly regular basis.


        • #64
          How about Units in fortresses having the same Zone Of Control as in previous versions of the game. That would help with both the usefulness of Fortresses and the roaming AI's


          • #65
            Originally posted by DaveV
            Streamlined "quit" option. I don't want to see the AI leaders, world map, and histograph on a game I'm planning to reload later and play some more. I'd like something similar to Civ 2, where there was a Ctrl-Q option that dumped you out of the game right away, and a Ctrl-R that showed the powergraph.
            Um, pressing escape quits the game for you...

            For myself...

            when clicking on something brings you to the civilopedia, I often find that pressing esc doesn't close it, although esc will close the civilopedia when you open it through normal means. It would be nice to make that consistent. Also, it would be nice if when your domestic advisor pops up after an improvement is built (or science advisor with advances, too) and you have the drop down list box, if you could press escape to close that box without making any changes.

            also, minor gripe... the game seems to ignore the scroll wheel; it would be cool if it worked with it.
            Last edited by kmj; November 7, 2001, 13:54.


            • #66
              I would like to see the following additional things:

              Being able to change wonders from small to large, especially the Manhattan project! I hate this large wonder!! There is no point in building it myself, because everybody can nuke me then.

              More use for Aircraft Carrier battle groups, being able to add subs and fighter patrols to create formidable floating armies.

              More CIVS...

              I want to play 32 civs at the same time

              Spanish, Mongols, Dutch, Portugese, Australians, Brazilians...
              Cubans, Iraqi's, Serbs and Afghans ??



              • #67
                sorry for the blutness, but the issues with the game not running for people due to graphics problems, in addition to graphics problems in-game tell me that it didnt go through a rigerous enough QA period that it really should have, in addition to the unacceptable release with no Multiplayer support in this day & age ....

