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bic files for ESPIONAGE

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  • bic files for ESPIONAGE

    First a shout out to Gramphos for coming up with modifying software without even having the game yet!
    BUT: while I understand that adding units, houses, etc. is necessary for the creation of new, undreamt-of scenarios, I'm interested in improving the FEW aspects of the game that have been criticized in the earliest reviews. One in particular: ESPIONAGE.
    It's been written that espionage seems like a tacked-on afterthought in CIVIII. Why? How can it be improved? From the earliest reports I've been disappointed that diplomats and spies are not physical units any more, and now I learn that the espionage process is inadeqate. So, like: any ideas, anyone? Any patches, .bic files, whatever?

  • #2
    How mush can you edit of the Espionage in the BICs currently?

    (They are possible to copy if there is any meaning with doing so)
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Sorry, Gramphos - can't answer that question. I don't have the game myself yet. Does anyone else have an opinion?

      To make myself clearer: is there a way of attributing the available espionage actions in Civ III to an actual moving unit like in Civ II?

      What do players feel about the new espionage interface? Without a unit to move around, does it feel more mysterious, as all good spy action should be? Or does it lack character (as I fear)?


      • #4
        Right now espionage is worthless. I'm only in the middle ages and don't have spy options and what-not. All I can do is spy on a city or steal a tech (oh, you have to build embassies in a civ to access these, they costanywhere from 30 to 100 gold). Stealing a tech provides you with three options, the Now option, costing the east amount f oney ad prviding the worst chance of success, the Careful method, which costs twice as much and has a higher rate of probability, and the Extremely Careful method which costs twice as much as the previous and gives you a goos chance for success.

        edit:Supid wireless keyboard needs batteries so there are quite a few typos, and I refuse to correct them.
        I never know their names, But i smile just the same
        New faces...Strange places,
        Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
        -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"

