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Video Mode Problems

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  • Video Mode Problems

    When I launch Civ3, the game forces my monitor into a hertz that is unsupported.

    I've tried this under the following conditions....

    Windows XP -- 21.83 and 10.80 Drivers
    Windows 2000 -- 21.83 Drivers

    Also, using either KeepRes or Video Mode made no difference.

    I finally got it to work under Windows ME using the 10.80 Drivers.

    My system specs are....

    AMD Duron 900
    GeForce2 MX 400 64mg AGP
    Windows XP/2000/ME
    384mg Ram
    SB Live! Value
    Direct X 8.0a (8.1 under XP)
    No Name Monitor capable of 1024x768 (Also tried with a friends near new Viewsonic and still made no difference using either Plug-n-Play or Viewsonic monitor drivers)

    Tho I can run under ME, I would rather go back to XP, so any help would be appreciated.



  • #2
    Um, what hertz was it trying to force you to?

    I'm cracking open the game in a few hours after work so I'll be able to take a better look at the .ini options...


    • #3
      I had the same problem, after a lot of cursing I set it to launch in 98/ME compatible mode which worked great, although I only got 60Hz.


      • #4
        >double post...sorry<



        • #5
          Rockville: My guess is that I was forced into 100hz which is way above what my monitor can support at 1024x768 (or 8x6 for that matter).

          Doberman: Good idea...haven't tried that one yet. Since my monitor can only do 1024x768 at 60hz then maybe that will work. Good thing I have a Ghost of both XP and ME



          • #6
            It's so funny what we get used to... I cannot look at a screen running at 60 Hertz. Makes my eyes hurt.

            But I applaud your desire to get as much life as possible out of your components...


            • #7
              There is a post about a winXP video compatibility fix at Civfanatics.

              I ran into the problem running Civ3 on WinXP with a Voodoo5 where it would play the initial movie then once it got to the game menu my monitor would phase out and not recieve a signal (went to standby mode). Not too sure what the cause was, seemed civ was telling it to go to a too high res or...
              Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
              Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
              "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
              From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


              • #8
                I had this same problem on my Win2k box (with very similar stats as Taliseian's), and solved it by upgrading my video drivers to the most recent version.


                • #9
                  I'm having similiar problems.


                  Athlon 800, Win2k SP2, Voodoo5, DirectX 8.0a (installed during the Civ3 install), 192 megs RAM.

                  The monitor is a pretty generic 19" monitor, and it's old; at least 8 years I figure. My father gave it to me a few months ago, and it runs all my other games without a hitch.

                  When I start the game, it seems to go into a refresh rate and resolution that my monitor can't support. I've tried a lot of different combinations of res and refresh, and none have worked. And quite frankly, even though I've been waiting for Civ3 for months, I'd rather take it back and never play it at all than replace my monitor (at least in the foreseeable future).

                  I'm new here, BTW.



                  • #10
                    Same problem on my wife's machine. The game boots, the monitor loses the signal, then comes on with the video, then shuts off before it gets to the menu screen. Luckily, on my machine my ViewSonic P817 monitor supports 1024x768 @ 180 Hz Unfortunately, her's does not.

                    Anyone notice how this game uses OpenGL instead of DirectX for rendering the display? I wonder if they goof'd while enumerating refresh rates...

                    Anyhow they NEED to fix this ASAP.


                    • #11
                      I'd have to agree; some solution or patch needs to be put out soon. I've got a week to return the game; I don't want to return it, but I'm more willing to do that than spend major bucks on a new monitor.



                      • #12
                        Well you shouldn't have to replace your monitor. I'm going to try to work on an interim solution.

