tuckson, maybe a dumb question, but what do HTHTN stand for?
An explanation would be fine...!

Abrreviation | Meaning |
GA | Golden Age |
ICS | Infinite City Sprawl |
GL | Great Leader |
LE | Limited Edition |
OCC | One City Challenge |
UU/CSU/SU | Unique Unit / Civ Specific Unit / Special Unit |
MP/SP | Multi/Single player |
BAB | Bigger is Always Better |
CSA | Civ Specific Ability |
GW | Great Wonder |
SW | Small Wonder |
CR | Culture Rating |
IMO/IMHO | In my opinion / in my humble opinion |
BTW | By the way |
FYI | For your information |
(ROFL)MAO | (Rolling on floor laughing) my ass off |
AFAIK | as far as I know |
ASAIKYA | As soon as I kick your ass |
OWABWNW | Our words are backed with nuclear weapons! |
CS | Consequences, schmonsequences! |
LOL | Laugh out Loud |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
YYRC | Yes you remember correctly |
CP | Culture Points or Control Panel |
RAF | Rise And Fall |
ECS | Eternal China Syndrome |
RTFM | Read The Fucking Manual |
MULOTF | Most Untrustworthy Leader OF The Infidels |
CTP | Call To Power |
AI | Artificial Inteligence |
WTF | What the FUCK? |
KMFDM | Kill mother-effing Depeche Mode |
SMIG | Sid Meier is god |
MREIOF | My rear end is on fire |
HTHTN | Hope this helps the newbies. |
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion |
OfAPeCiClu | Official Apolyton Pessimistic Civers Club |
OfAReCiClu | Official Apolyton Realistic Civers Club |
OfAOpCiClu | Official Apolyton Optimist Civers Club |
TCLOA | The Critically Literal Optimist Association |
JTLYK | Just to let you know |
LOTM | Lord of the Mark |
CIV | Civilization |
SE | Social Engineering as in SMAC |
DL | Double Login |
SMAC | Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri |