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I need help feeding christians to the lions!

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  • I need help feeding christians to the lions!

    Hello there!

    I know it's bad form to make a request for help on a guy's first post - but I'm stumped.

    Basically - I'm modifying the "Rise of Rome" scenario that came with Civ III: Conquests. I want to include the ability to "ritual sacrifice" from the Mesoamerica scenario.

    Here's what I've done - hopefully someone can tell me where I've gone wrong.

    1) I've ticked the box saying "enslave" in the legionnaires' unit page in the rules. Then I've checked "worker" where it says "enslave to"

    2) I've ticked "enable sacrifice" for the civilization advance "construction" (therefore: when you are able to build colosseums you can feed slaves to the lions in them)

    3) I've ticked "sacrifice" under the unit page for "workers"

    4) I've ticked "doubles sacrifice" for the colosseum.

    5) I've added a #SACRIFICE_REPORT to the "scripts" file in the "text" folder of the "rise to rome" scenario - asking the player if s/he wants to use the slaves in gladiatorial games ("thumbs up, let the games begin!" or "thumbs down, let them live.")

    So - I've done all that, but I get no option to sacrifice workers during the game (after researching construction and placing my workers in a friendly city). And my legionnaires don't seem to be able to enslave anything, either. If I untick all the boxes relating to sacrifices, then the legionnaires can enslave as normal, however.

    Any help would be much appreciated (my lions are getting hungry!)

  • #2
    YOU CAN DO THAT!?!!?!

    /me wants to play civ now.


    • #3
      Re: I need help feeding christians to the lions!

      Originally posted by smackdaddy I know it's bad form to make a request for help on a guy's first post - but I'm stumped
      Hi smackdaddy, I try to answer you with my 3rd post at Apolyton.

      In the "Rise of Rome" conquest in C3C you have 3 legionnaires units. Have you set all 3 legionnaires units to the "enslave"-flag ? The "Legionary II"-unit comes very early with the "tactics"-tech.

      So the Legionary I unit is blocked to enslave, cause you need the construction tech for enslavement, but when you have researched that tech, the Legionary I-unit may yet be obsolete, cause you have researched the tactics tech too and may be the Legionary II- unit didn´t receive the "enslavement-flag".

      To prove your settings, try to set the "enslavement"-tech to a tech you still have from start and look if your Legionary I-unit now can enslave.

