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BIC file format questions

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  • BIC file format questions

    I have a few questions in the BIC file format that I couldn't find after looking it up (and the BIQ format thread was apparently outdated by comparing it against CIV3QEdit), so here goes:

    If a file has custom rules, does it have to have those custom rules sections in that order (eg. BLDG must be first, then CTZN, etc.)? Is this the same for custom maps?

    From what I understand, the first RACE entry will always be the barbarians, and there must be 2-32 RACE entries, is that correct?

    What is this "unique civilization counter" in RACE entries?

    An era can have no researchers, is that right? Also, if the number of researchers used is 3, it will only look at Researchers 1 through 3 without looking at 4 or 5, or does it read all five and pick the first three that are not empty strings? Similarly, can governments have no ruler title pairs?

    Is there a requirement to have a default citizen, a default government, a transitional government, or a palace building? Similarly, can a civilization have no King unit?

    Are there exactly seven flavors?

    Are there restrictions on fields that reference other entries (eg. can a tech require a tech from another age, can a bonus resource be used as a requirement, etc.)?

    Is it an error if the number of spaceship parts differ from that of the spaceship parts themselves? (eg. If there are three parts but only two buildings specifying spaceship parts, or if two parts that have the same spaceship part ID)

    Does anyone have any resources on what changed in older revisions of the BIC/BIX/BIQ file formats? (I believe the latest "official" release of the Macsoft Civ III can't read BIC 4.01 - only the beta 1.29f and Aspyr's C3C could read it)

  • #2
    If a file has custom rules, does it have to have those custom rules sections in that order (eg. BLDG must be first, then CTZN, etc.)? Is this the same for custom maps?
    You are probably safer to mimic the existing file structure rather than muck it around.

    Are there exactly seven flavors?
    Not sure what you mean. Simply looking at the version of the editor I have got, there would appear to be eight standard flavours (militaristic, etc) and seven flavours that are optional. See the Rise of Rome Scenario for a good example of how they can be used.

    can a bonus resource be used as a requirement
    Yes and no. Looking at the Age of Discovery scenario in C3C, the criteria for a resource to act as a required resource is that it must be either a strategic or luxury resource.

    As for rest,

