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Some questions

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  • Some questions

    First, I'm chilean and don't speak english... sorry if I cannot explain me very well. My questions (as you will see, I'm chieftain):
    1. How can I know how much anyone of the scientists of my cities contribute to scientific research?
    2. When is the best time to specialist citizens? I ask this thinking in the growth, 'cause I think growth is THE factor in the early game (or I'm wrong?)
    3. This is hardware related: What can I download to accelerate my video card (I've got one of 4 MB... cool!)?
    Some driver for windows, directX, etc...


    ... y la tumba que aguarda con sus fúnebres ramos
    y no saber adónde vamos, ni de dónde venimos

  • #2
    Re: Some questions


    "1. How can I know how much anyone of the scientists of my cities contribute to scientific research?"

    You don't say what version you are using, I will address it as if it is C3C (Conquest).
    You can look at the city view (double click the town) and you see a break down of what your income becomes. Beakers are the output from the gold (income) converts as set by the slider for research.

    You can gain extra if you have structures like a library or a university or some wonders.

    I addition, if you have any citizens acting as scientist, they generate 1 beaker in all version, except C3C. There you get 3 beakers.

    "2. When is the best time to specialist citizens? I ask this thinking in the growth, 'cause I think growth is THE factor in the early game (or I'm wrong?)"

    Growth is king. The best time is when you have a town/city that is corrupt. You can set specialist there as long as you have enough food. It is all free as any income they would have generated would be lost to corruption anyway.

    There are some specail circumstances that I won't go into, except to say if you need just a few more beakers per turn, it could be beneficial to use one or two in a none corrupt city. It has to be weighted against loss of anything they could have produced, namely gold and food.

    "3. This is hardware related: What can I download to accelerate my video card (I've got one of 4 MB... cool!)?
    Some driver for windows, directX, etc..."

    I am not sure about that one. Civ is not all that depenadant upon video, mostly processor speed. I would search on google. You may find a better card for just a few dollars on Ebay.

