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  • Hospitals

    Playing the Napoleonic War Scenario as the Austrians. I'm at war with the Ottomans and I've got my seige stack outside Belgrade defended by a Grenzer army on a hill.

    Belgrade sits on a river so no aqueduct required. The pesky ottomans have a hospital in Belgarde so the city was at size 14 and spewing out pollution.

    My problem? How do I get rid of the flaming hospital. I have no need for it as the pollution cleanup drives me mental. I've bombarded the city down to size 1, destroyed all but the Hospital.

    So how do I get rid of the hospital without destroying the city totally. I can't rebuild the city (no settlers in this scenario) and I can't continue to sit on the hill bombarding Belgrade for ever.


  • #2
    You can't, the only way is to raze the place. The pollution will be small as long as you do not let the city grow very large. If you get to Mass Trans, it will further reduce the impact of the pop.

    A worker crew can clean it up quickly and no real harm done. Sell off any factory or coal plants.


    • #3
      Can't you sell the Hospital if you capture the city?
      Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


      • #4
        You can't sell aqua's or hospitals. I wish you could at least sell hospitals. At least in regular games. maybe in scenario can flag them, I am not sure.


        • #5
          Ta vmxa1. You are quite right. The only way I can get rid of that flaming hospital is by razing the city. Just have to make sure the city pop locks at size 11 or summat.

          I tried tweaking the hospital in the editor. Added culture to it - it survives the capture of a city. Only way to get rid of the Hospital from the scenario is to delete the improvement from the scenario. Something I'm not willing to do. Just have to cope with it. I checked for a flag for selling improvements but I suspect the hospital and aqueduct improvements are hardcoded so you cannot sell them.

          The amazing indestructible hospitals will just have to survive while I'm playing scenarios without settlers. When I can build settlers, my usual tactic is to sell all improvements, starve to size 1 and build a settler then refound the city. No hospital and only 1 foreign cit to worry about.



          • #6
            Even in a normal game, I sometimes will hold a city and be stuck with a hospital. Not much can be done, if you do not raze or abandon.

