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  • jr

    on civilization 3 how do i restore order too the town??? please e-mail me n let me know its rele bugging me!!! thanx

  • #2
    Somehow balance out the happiness of the town so that the number of happy people (smiling and will be labeled "happy citizen" when you mouse over them) is equal to or greater than the number of unhappy people (frowning/angry and will be labeled unhappy when moused over). Content citizens in the middle will not help start or maintain unrest but will not balance out any unhappy citizens.

    Some things can turn unhappy citizens into content citizens. These are stationing military units in a city (check if your government supports this, and if so the maximum effective number of units) and building happiness-inducing buildings like the temple and cathedral. Some wonders like the Hanging Gardens or Cure for Cancer also give a civilization-wide content bonus.

    Other things can either turn an unhappy citizen content (if there would be no content citizens otherwise) OR turn content citizens happy so that they balance out unhappy ones. (The anti-rioting effect is the same regardless.) These are luxuries (which must be connected to your trade network via roads, or acquired from other civs you can trade with) or the luxury slider in the F1 screen, which will devote a certain %age of your commerce to making citizens happy rather than to generating money or science. Note that if you have a lot of luxuries coming in, building a marketplace will enhance their effects. (The market will increase the number of happy faces a luxury gives with every second luxury, as opposed to each luxury only giving one happy face each. So the market will give you at least one additional happy face if you have at least 3 luxuries.)


    • #3
      Did you mention specialist? I sprt of skimmed through, but I don't think I saw that listed.

      That is where you change one or more citizen from working a tile to an entertainer/taxmen or scientist. There are other types as well in Conquest.

      You want to use scientist or taxmen, if you can, but may have to use a joker instead.

