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Advanced preferences

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  • Advanced preferences

    I'm coming back to the game after a while, I know that there was a screen for advanced preferences but I don't remember how to bring it up. It is not the regular preferences menu, but one where you could set things like making the game always ask you what to produce in a city. Can somebody refresh my memory?

  • #2
    When in the game the icon on the upper left for the main menu has the preferences. In that screen you can elect to have the game build the same item or not. Ask for a build each time or not.

    Withing the city view you have the option to set govenor settings for the city or the whole empire, if it is the capitol, those are the only ones that come to my mind right now.


    • #3
      You mean this menu. However, it does not include the settings I need. I do seem to recall that you could expand this menu to get more options...
      Attached Files


      • #4
        That looks like vanilla, here is C3C and neither has any other options. Civ4 does though.
        Attached Files

