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Smile, Damnit!

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  • Smile, Damnit!

    Playing on Emporer using the builder strategy stickied on the forum here for Sid level. Works beautifully. Going for a UN win and am trying to get these ungrateful bastards around me to vote me in. They are CONSTANTLY unhappy. I have finally just been able to declare peace with all of my neighbors, and I'm sure that there's another vote coming up in five or so turns.

    Issues: Everyone is now in the modern era of tech, and when I gift it out, it seems to do nothing (but make them stronger). I'm making a pretty decent chunk of change, between selling techs, but my tech lead is slowly dwindling.

    In other words, everyone is slowly catching up with me, and while they're busy beating the hell out of each other, I'm losing more and more "gifts" to hand out to them. Does GPT work? The longer you are at peace, does that help? Trading with each nation for a handful of gold each turn? Need something to ensure that Korea doesn't take my UN win from me.


  • #2
    If they are already furious, I would not waste anything on them. Best to spend it keeping the other civ nominated at war with all the others.

    Give something before the vote may be useful.


    • #3
      How do you get them to conduct a war that you are not a part of? Unless of course, you get them to go to war with you and then have EVERYONE else join with you? Or is that the play? Go to war, and then have everyone ally with you?


      • #4
        Well you can't, if they are not already fighing with you or them. You can help them with techs and goods, if they are at war. Yuo can give them RoP to get them moving across your land.

        If they are close to making the UN, get to war with them and bribe everyone to join your side.

        If they other nominee is already furious wiht those civs, you have nothing to worry about. It won't call for a vote.


        • #5
          One the Civ3 experts (I forget who) figured out the giving 100 gold will improve an AI civs attitude towards you. Giving more than 100 gold is pointless as it will not further improve relations. The improvement in relations diminishes until 10 turns later the improvement has disappeared. You can then give another 100 gold.

          I haven't tested this but it does seem to work. (I do this when I want someone off my back for a while).

          BTW If the other civs are fighting sometimes it helps to give one of them some money in the hope that it will use the money to bribe another civ to join the war. It doesn't always work but when it does work the results can be delightful.


          • #6
            There are threads that detail all the things that make other civs happy, to the point of making the UN victory guaranteed. I've disabled it because of that, and because gaming is the one context I get to be viscious without guilt.

