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regent level how to succeed?

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  • regent level how to succeed?

    i have won several games on walord so i thought it was time to move to regent level.
    i find it to be quite hard and i can't get a good game.

    i just quit one i thought i could win because i already killed two civs.I did attack with a bunch of medieval infantry supported by trebuchet for big cities, and the ennemy couldn't push me back. I had redeployed a part of my army along the border with my other opponents i was at peace with all.
    suddenly the americans dow me kill the army i had along the border (20 units: med inf., kinghts, ancient cav.) as well as taking 1 of my town. i decided to quit this game because my opponent had an army of 30 knights ready to kill me.
    i'd like to know the key to success on this level i have already read a bit about how to play but any kind of advice is welcome.
    one more thing, when i play a game i put all random but the map size ( i always use standard)