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Returning to Civ...Have Mod Questions

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  • Returning to Civ...Have Mod Questions

    Hello All,

    I am getting back into Civ after a long absence and after discovering that the mod I made went away with my last computer (memo-kick self in the rear multiple times ) I have had to recreate the mod again.

    I have some basic questions for you mod-o-philes out there that will help me finish up. Hope you can help.

    1. Have note in my Civ notebook about disabling privateer bulid when destroyers become available. How do you do that? For that matter why aren't spearmen available to bulid in the modern era? What game mechanic controls that?

    2. Which units require support? Crewed weapons, vehicles and horse units?

    3. A lot of user made units do not include the sound files, instead they call for a vanilla unit sound instead. Why does the game not find the vanilla unit folder and use those wavs and ambs? Sometimes the INI has the correct path listed but the game does not climb up the folder heirarchy.

    4. what are the unit_32 files for and what software allows editing?

    That should do it for now. Thanks for any answers that you may give.

    Silly me, I am getting all this done again just in time for Civ 4 release!

    I can't help it though, my son gave me Empire Earth for a present which did two things for me. First, reminded me of how much I dislike RTS games and second, it made me want to get back to Civilization.

  • #2
    1. The game mechanic is that you cannot build a unit if you can build one of the units it upgrades to. The way to disable the Privateers with Destroyers is to set it to upgrade to them. You can remove the upgrade button, but I believe that the AI will still have this upgrade ability; and humans can still do mass upgrades with SHIFT+U. Still, if you don't mind giving the AI an extra ability and can either stay away from SHIFT+U or are fine with using it, then it works okay.

    2. I believe all units require support in the base game (except for some special rules units like Kings). Settler, workers, bombardment units, attack units, defense units, Scouts...

    3. I'm not sure why it doesn't work if they have the correct climbing path. You could always trying copying the sound in and removing the folder path, but I'm not the one to ask about this kind of modding.

    4. I'm not sure. Again, I have little knowledge in this area.


    • #3
      4. units_32.pcx is the icon file, everytime you see the unit being represented by an icon (e.g. in the build order) the graphics are taken from there.

      Btw, I urge you to try the Rise and Rule Mod (google it) if you have Conquests. I think the PtW version is called "Double your Pleasure". It's really well done! I'd consider it a worthy intermediate between Civ3 and Civ4.


      • #4
        Thanks for the answers. I have just copied the wavs and ambs from other units so it isn't really a problem just curious though.

        As far as the unit_32 though, why have the large, small and unit_32 pcx files? Isn't the large and small enough?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kloreep
          You can remove the upgrade button, but I believe that the AI will still have this upgrade ability; and humans can still do mass upgrades with SHIFT+U. Still, if you don't mind giving the AI an extra ability and can either stay away from SHIFT+U or are fine with using it, then it works okay.
          That's been fixed. I'm not sure when it happened, but if you have Conquests with the latest patch, those things won't happen.


          • #6
            Re: Returning to Civ...Have Mod Questions

            Originally posted by mkqest

            2. Which units require support? Crewed weapons, vehicles and horse units?

            If you go into the editor and then get onto the units page then for each unit you will see a little box which needs to be ticked if the unit requires support. Untick the box and the unit requires no support.


            • #7
              Thanks. I thought this forum was dead from the lack of action.

              I guess there are a few left around. Did everyone jump to Civ 4 you think?


              • #8
                Originally posted by mkqest
                Thanks. I thought this forum was dead from the lack of action.

                I guess there are a few left around. Did everyone jump to Civ 4 you think?
                Yes the Civ 4 thread is where most people are hanging out these days, here and over at Civfanatics.


                • #9
                  thanks for the info guys
                  Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years

