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How to remove pollution from an ongoing game?

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  • How to remove pollution from an ongoing game?

    I was wondering whether it is possible to change the settings in a couple of the game files (? which ones) in order to stop the horror of pollution.

    The additional problem is that I am playing a fairly long-term scenario as a "builder". Although most of my cities already have a Mass Transit System and a Recycling plant, pollution is an ever-increasing problem.

    My workers (and me controlling them) spend most of their time mopping up orange gue when they could be doing something a great deal more interesting and useful with their (my) time.

    Any ideas .... as this feature is indeed ruining an extremely interesting exercise for me?

  • #2
    You can use the auto-clean pollution option to maybe save you some effort

    Alternatively, if your land is completely developed, you can put them on auto and they won't bother you again until you want them.

    The only other option would probably be to cut your production and population


    • #3

      Thank you so much for your reply.

      I have actually tried this option but there is a further question that I need to raise in this regard:

      Can one set one's workers to JUST clean pollution .... otherwise they insist on building mines over my carefully laid irrigation?

      The pollution (and associated global warming which has eliminated several of my previously built irrigations .... which then also need to be re-established) have actually served to cut down my population. I am now trying to increase it again.

      As a point of interest, here are some of my current stats:

      Year: 6167
      Score: 4252
      Citizens: 1620.3
      Special. citizens: 615.8
      Fut Tech: 2.2
      Territory: 2013.2


      • #4
        Originally posted by Son of moose
        I have actually tried this option but there is a further question that I need to raise in this regard:

        Can one set one's workers to JUST clean pollution .... otherwise they insist on building mines over my carefully laid irrigation?
        That depends on what version of the game you are playing. There is an option to have them just clean pollution, but I believe it was added in one of the expansions. I've been playing Conquests for so long that I don't remember which one. Give it a try...the shortcut is Shift-P

        If the version you're using doesn't have that option, you can use Shift-A instead, which will automate your workers, but will not allow them to change anything you've done previously.

        The pollution (and associated global warming which has eliminated several of my previously built irrigations .... which then also need to be re-established) have actually served to cut down my population. I am now trying to increase it again.
        Like I said, there isn't much more you can do about preventing pollution and global warming. In my games where I actually care to micromanage, I usually cut my population growth at a reasonable point to avoid out of control, whack-a-mole pollution.

        As a point of interest, here are some of my current stats:

        Year: 6167
        Score: 4252
        Citizens: 1620.3
        Special. citizens: 615.8
        Fut Tech: 2.2
        Territory: 2013.2
        6167? Wow. Unless your game started way in the future, you must have a huge tolerance for late-game tedium

        I usually just get bored in the industrial age


        • #5

          Thank you for your most detailed reply!!

          I will most certainly try the shortcuts that you have highlighted .... although my version of the game is the original and PTW. Therefore we will have to see whether they apply ....

          Yes .... I must admit that I am actually trying an experiment with this particular game as I generally would never play this far into the future!! I am using this Civ 3 scenario to test whether my idea of a "Grand Builder" scenario for Civ 4 (previously detailed in my thread entitled: "Just Me and the Barbarians" []) will prove to be an interesting and viable option. Lets say, the jury is still out ....


          • #6
            Just a little soap and water.
            The stupid shall be punished.
            "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


            • #7

              I wish it were that simple ....


              Good news .... it works with my version of the game.

              This certainly does succeed in reducing some of the mind-numbing micromanagement (and having to repeatedly remove pollution is most definitely a singularly mind-numbing experience).

              However, you should see what the monitor does when a hundred (or more) workers go rushing across the railroads connecting the ends of the two continents in the map that I am playing. (Lets say that I have to close my eyes for a minute or so)


              • #8
                I'm glad I could help at least a little bit.

                I'm also glad I don't have to watch your workers run around cleaning

