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Color/Picture Distortion on Leaderheads

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  • Color/Picture Distortion on Leaderheads

    I'm trying to create 31 modern leaderheads.

    To do so, I've found 31 pictures, choped them down to 200x240 (the same size as default leaderheads) with paint, opening the converted file in video mach, at 30fps which is 0.333 duration, and copy itself to the list (like one would do when making a slideshow), and save it as a .flc file.

    It works, but half the time, you get some wierd effect on nearly all the pictures. sometimes it will flicker in and out, other times it will stay there, and yet others it will not be there at all.

    Because I lack a better description of the problem, below is a picture (i think)

    if not, you can see it at

  • #2

    It looks as though the images may be ghosting, but if thats so, how come it's already ghosted sometimes when i open civ 3 before i choose another country?

    If that's what it is, how can I eliminate it.

