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Lessons Learned from my last campaign

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  • Lessons Learned from my last campaign

    Hello, just finished another epic game at Chietain level. While I could probably hold my own at a step or three higher, I like to see how quickly I can win and how far advanced I can get. This time, I launched my ship in 1730, a new record.
    What I learned this time... If you don't have coal or oil, you're screwed and you HAVE to take it from someone else cause they don't know they have it if you're building rails durign the Dark Ages. When startign a resource war, make sure you have LOTS of troops ready to go AT the war theater or you will get run over and make sure your cities are well-protected because if you're attacking a neighbor, they will throw everythign at you to grab a city or two.
    Once you get the city that has access to your resource, try to broker a peace deal then, trying to get as much from them as possible (tech's, gold, luxuries, resources...). Until they recognize you (takes a few turns), keep pounding on them, bombers work real well here
    In all other cases, avoid war at all costs. It drains your treasury and slows down your research and expansion).
    expand expand expand, sell maps for high cost, and stop selling maps when you have satelites, let them fumble around blindly
    Well, gonan take the space race victory out of the equation and go again....
    Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
    Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
    Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.

  • #2
    Seems reasonable, it is the implementaton that gets to be a bit tricky as you move up in levles.

    Eventually you will get to a level that they have the bombers and you don't, no matter how good you play. Then it gets to be a different story.

    Anyway congrats on the win and good luck on the launch.


    • #3
      Lessons Learned...

      Yes, I once, for fits and jiggles, tried to play Sid level, tiny world and whatever the max. number of opponents was with most aggressive AI, I didn't live long, they were very mean to me, they blackmailed me, they crowded me (yes, some cheese with my whine, pelase...) and I was done in 34 minutes, as opposed to the usual 34 HOURS.
      In CivII, I survived nicely at the top level, mainly because I was by myself on the North American continent and the Aztecs (?memory?) launched their ship while I was still trying to figure out which end of the spear to use.
      I know there's fun in a challenge of higher levels, but like I said, right now, for the fun of it, I like to see how far ahead i can get of the rest.
      Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
      Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
      Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


      • #4
        I would suggest playing warlord if you are going for a Space Race victory as fast as possible...the game is still pretty easy, you can still kill the AI, but there's one difference...

        The AI, especially in the beginning, might actually get techs you don't have...while you won't be as far ahead as you would in Chieftain, the better AI can actually help you get more technology faster...

        Remember, when going for a record for yourself, the person you are trying to beat is yourself, not the AI, so make the AI aid you as much as possible, and use bettter AI to your advantage...


        • #5
          Interesting point, I never thought of that. I'd still get ahead enough to beat him to the Great Library, though I have noticed with C3C, it's not as useful. I never get the "don't bother" techs like Monarchy or Music Theory anymore, but then, I hit Education by then.
          Will try that, thanx!
          Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
          Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
          Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


          • #6
            Well, just started my first game as Warlord and found otu that the Germans are not very nice. Would not sell a tech for anything, might have to get medeval on them.
            Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
            Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
            Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


            • #7
              I found it tough to get a tech from anyone.
              "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
              "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
              2004 Presidential Candidate
              2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


              • #8
                right now I am soundly getting mine handed to me on a paper plate! Definately have to play from a difft. perspective even one step up. The Germans blackmailed me into war (I refused to pay protection money, they conquered two cities and I gave'em a third to get some breathign room) and I was unable to field any large number of troops (immortals and spearmen) withotu going broke. Right now watchign the Byz's fighting the Krauts, waitign for that oen city to turn to dust so i can build on its grave. Def. a new ballgame
                Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
                Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
                Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DreamSlave2112
                  Right now watchign the Byz's fighting the Krauts, waitign for that oen city to turn to dust so i can build on its grave. Def. a new ballgame
                  Why not wait and see which one is weaker, then kill him for good yourself? Once the reserves are gone, the level difference is not so big anymore, only showing in the fact that AI reinforcements come a little faster. Judging by what you are saying, you should be able to hurt one of them big time...

                  Care to post a save and/or a screenie?
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • #10
                    What was happening was they have one city on "my" island" (the one I had to give up for peace sake) and the Byz's kept sending a ship up to drop off two horsemen who put a little dent into the Germans' defense, which the Germans rebuilt and had back at full power by the time the Byz's sent their next pair.
                    Right now, can't afford to wage a war. The Germans are too close to my cities and the Byz's are too far away to attack. Right now, both are "polite" towards me.
                    I tried to attach the save file but it was too big
                    Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
                    Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
                    Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


                    • #11
                      I uploaded it via the upload service. I never used it before so I'm not sure where to tell you to look for it. But it's called StephanXXIoftheMightyNorsemen 810AD I think
                      Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
                      Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
                      Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DreamSlave2112
                        I uploaded it via the upload service. I never used it before so I'm not sure where to tell you to look for it. But it's called StephanXXIoftheMightyNorsemen 810AD I think
                        Open the Upload screen, find the save, right-click on it, and copy the link. Paste this link into the message. It should be showing as a link then, much easier to download.
                        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                        • #13

                          here it is
                          Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
                          Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
                          Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.


                          • #14
                            First rule of being on an island is to tighten up city spacing. You should have several additional cities on your land.

                            You have no horse units to help cover other cities and since they are 5 tiles apart, you could not get anyone to an attack site in time.

                            Immortals, most like them, I do not, but either way you should have some pikes to defend once you are invaded.

                            Sell walls in size 7 or more, they are not useful. In fact never build one again, until you play deity or AW (on the homeland).

                            Markets in size 2 no growth is not a good plan, that town could be doing something useful.

                            Evaluate all structures to see if they are a good investment. Temples in size 6 or less is not usually needed. I see you have no luxs, so that would have been my first priority out of the gate.

                            No settler ready to grab that wine. No knights in the queue?

                            No cats/trebs to ping attackers and Dromons.

                            Not many mines in the main cities, so they cannot build things at a decent pace.

                            It ain't easy to get down 4 techs at Warlord in the MA, but you are only maink about 300 and have half for maint/support/enteraintment and corruption.


                            • #15
                              thx for the tips, but allow me to 'splain:
                              Originally posted by vmxa1
                              First rule of being on an island is to tighten up city spacing. You should have several additional cities on your land.
                              -The jury, I think, is still out on few large cities versus several small ones, so I was goign for large cities.

                              You have no horse units to help cover other cities and since they are 5 tiles apart, you could not get anyone to an attack site in time.
                              -hmm, good point, will keep that under advisement, but money's kinda tight.

                              Immortals, most like them, I do not, but either way you should have some pikes to defend once you are invaded.
                              -I just developed gunpoder and am now exhcanging muskets for Immortals and use them either as shield sources or an offensive weapon. I used the mat first because they were stronger than spearmen.

                              Sell walls in size 7 or more, they are not useful. In fact never build one again, until you play deity or AW (on the homeland).
                              - since they cost nothing and I had nothing to build, did it for fits and jiggles, could use them as money makers (build and sell worked real good in I & II)

                              Markets in size 2 no growth is not a good plan, that town could be doing something useful.
                              - Prob. should sell those that are costing more than they make.

                              Evaluate all structures to see if they are a good investment. Temples in size 6 or less is not usually needed. I see you have no luxs, so that would have been my first priority out of the gate.

                              No settler ready to grab that wine. No knights in the queue?
                              - If the wine we're talking about is the one near Chesterfield, I think it's in Greek territory.

                              No cats/trebs to ping attackers and Dromons.
                              -Are they more useful in III than they were in I or II?

                              Not many mines in the main cities, so they cannot build things at a decent pace.
                              - had to feed the masses.

                              It ain't easy to get down 4 techs at Warlord in the MA, but you are only maink about 300 and have half for maint/support/enteraintment and corruption.
                              Thanks for the tips. Wasn't trying to dis you or anything, just felt theneed to explain my madness. I will take your advice and see where I can go from here. thx
                              Poised for conflict at Ground Zero, ready for a war!
                              Many nordic Fighting men, their swords and shields all gleam in the sun.
                              Attention: All planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control.

