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  • #16
    Originally posted by lebensraum
    ok, so i suck. you got a problem with that?!!
    Not really. Care for a PBEM?

    Originally posted by lebensraum
    meh, even if you try to stay at a given level, eventually you will master it in all it's various forms. you will then be ready to try a different level.

    there's really no need to rush the process
    True, going too high will probably just frustrate you, so no point doing that.

    But if you stay at, say, Regent, you will never need the skills required to beat Demigod. Meaning, there will be nothing to encourage you to develop new skills (like tighter city spacing, Settler-pumps, or what have you). So, at some point, going up a level will be required to actually learn anything new about the game.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #17
      Originally posted by lebensraum
      i play to pass the time and have some fun. fortunately, i can do that at all levels above warlord (anything less than regent does send me to sleep). every level is different and requires a different kind of play, but hey, all of them are fun. just depends what i'm in the mood for at the time.
      Do you have fun when you win too easily?
      In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Oncle Boris
        Do you have fun when you win too easily?
        only in pbems
        I don't know what I am - Pekka


        • #19
          Monarch is for a chilly game
          Emperor is when I want competition
          Everything above would be suicide and the stress level outweighs the fun.

          And most of the time I stop when it's obvious that I am the winner... I probably finish only 5% of the games I start.
          I also try to play nice with the AI some time and coop and such...

          I had a good game that way as the Inca where I had to fight the strong Japanese (they are always strong) and I teamed up with the chinese and carthago... it was a long and very bloody war. In the end we were victorious. Then the carthagians decided to betray me, which actually was a clever and dumb descision at the same time. From their point they'd need to do that, but I was a lot stronger than them.
          The japanese were lucky because their island was connect to ours by just a small passage, where they put a fort and a barricade. It was difficult to enter their territory and once there you got beaten up quickly. Then I decided to take on them from the other side as well and landed lots of troops on their shores... took some time until I could get a hold though.... and it would have taken even longer, if I wouldn't have targeted his resources.

          ah well... war stories


          • #20
            If I played on regent now I'd have a chance to beat the game but it's not a 100%. After 2 or 3 games regent would be cool, but still be a bit of a challenge in situations. I never managed to even survive in style on Monarch, the AI just killed me.


            • #21
              And I'm a decent civ player, I'm just not intrigued to deep strategic thinking. That's why I fail at chess, too. Also, I fell back to King level in Civ2, deity is just too much of a hassle. Don't know why.


              • #22
                So on this forum,
                there are almost as many players who win at Monarch or lower levels as players who win at emperor or higher levels.

                I am amazed by people winning at demi-god or higher. I never could. I'm going to try again.

                I am also amazed by the fact that there is a winner at "sid's" whereas there isn't any winner at god level.

                But 26 voters aren't enough... please participate ! that's an issue vote !

                M. le Comte


                • #23
                  Demi, just about always.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • #24
                    Chieftain no problem Tried Warlord, but it wasnt fun.



                    • #25
                      I play mostly monarch, sometimes emperor. Being a builder, the other levels soon lost interest. For me, monarch provides a good balance between being able to concentrate on your civ and still having some challenge when you get into a fight.

                      I tried demi-god and god, but I had to quit - I lost a few pieces of furniture in some surges of uncontrolled rage when the AI beat me. I know that's the essence of challenge, but it's a little bit too much of a challenge for me to be comfortable with...
                      "Give me a soft, green mushroom and I'll rule the world!" - TheArgh
                      "No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy." - Murphy's law
                      Anthéa, 5800 pixel wide extravaganza (french)


                      • #26
                        Btw, I might want to ask the people on high difficulties: Do you play with Preserve Random Seed on, or do you save and reload when the combat is not turning out in your favor?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Atahualpa
                          Btw, I might want to ask the people on high difficulties: Do you play with Preserve Random Seed on, or do you save and reload when the combat is not turning out in your favor?
                          I have this option on ever since it was included (I believe it was always on in Vanilla.), to prevent myself from reloading. Also, the higher the difficulty level the more battles, so reloading would make games ridiculously tedious. I see this happening on Demigod, so I can only imagine the time it would take on Sid (ask vmxa...). The positive effect is that you get to see the real randomness work well, as opposed to "weird" effects that show only when there are few fights.
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Modo44

                            The positive effect is that you get to see the real randomness work well, as opposed to "weird" effects that show only when there are few fights.
                            That's right, but the AI cheats so much that I sometimes regret being, as you are, full of principles.
                            M. le Comte


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by M. le Comte

                              That's right, but the AI cheats so much that I sometimes regret being, as you are, full of principles.
                              And I can bet that, as I do, you always loose every principle when it comes to the annexion of an adversary city: bombing, besieging, "reduction of the city size" in order to avoid any difficulty with surviving nationalists...

                              By the way, I'm going to launch a new poll on Civ4 forum: what do you think of the censorship on terrorism...
                              M. le Comte


                              • #30
                                Every time I play at Demi or higher, I get beaten (wiped out, eaten alive, etc) well before 1000AD, must be something wrong with my style of play. Have yet to achieve a cultural or diplomatic victory at Emperor though.

                                Must try harder.

                                Looshkin's Lair

