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Looking for Earth Map, Realistic Start Position, Vikings

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  • Looking for Earth Map, Realistic Start Position, Vikings


    I'm new here, I recently bought the Civ 3 Deluxe Edition after discovering I can't run Civ 2 TOT on XP.

    I'd like to play a game as the Vikings on an Earth Map with realistic start positions, but I can't find one.

    So could someone please tell me where to find one?


    Also does anyone know where I can get the World Map by Kai Sheffield that is used by the Cold War Scenario by Sebastian Melde?



  • #2
    Not sure what the "Deluxe Edition" was, however if it includes the Conquests add-on, there is a decent European map included in the Middle Ages conquest.

    BTW, Civ2 TOT works fine for me on XP but I don't play it anymore since Civ3 is better in so many ways. The only thing I miss is the multiple maps and scenario events. Those were pretty cool.


    • #3
      Originally posted by gunkulator
      Not sure what the "Deluxe Edition" was, however if it includes the Conquests add-on, there is a decent European map included in the Middle Ages conquest.

      BTW, Civ2 TOT works fine for me on XP but I don't play it anymore since Civ3 is better in so many ways. The only thing I miss is the multiple maps and scenario events. Those were pretty cool.
      Sorry I haven't replied sooner. The Deluxe Edition comes in a sort of bronze effect cardboard box, with 3 Game Boxset on the front. Inside there are 2 DVD style cases, one is Civ 3 (and appears very much like the Cardboard box I originally got Civ 3, just in DVD case form). This contains the Civ 3 disc. The other has pictures of PTW, Conquests and another box that says get civilized. Inside there are 2 discs, one says Conquests, the other is the Civ 3 Fan Kit.

      Also thanks for the tip on the Middle Ages conquest, I'll have to give that a go.

      As for Civ2 TOT, it won't run on my computer, I just get error messages. I wanted to play the Time Threat Paradox scenario as I really enjoyed that.

      Thanks again

