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Age of Discovery

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  • #16
    As Spain:

    Top priority:

    1. Unify the Iberian Penisula under your rule. This will secure the Dias wonder so that you get the free colonists.

    The sooner the better.

    2. Use Conquistors to run amok over Meso American Indian cities in good locations, such as gold / silver / gems / luxaries.

    For good measure, you might want to wipe them out so they don't try to get their cities back.

    The sooner you do this, the easier it will be.

    Note that you don't need to actually build Conquistors, the Small Wonder you start with in Serville will produce Explorers for free which only cost 150 gold each to upgrade. (That's also your best site for Magelians.)

    Don't forget that Conquistadors, Med Inf, and Pikes are all amph. while Knights aren't.
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


    • #17
      Originally posted by joncnunn
      As Spain:

      Top priority:

      1. Unify the Iberian Penisula under your rule. This will secure the Dias wonder so that you get the free colonists.

      The sooner the better.

      2. Use Conquistors to run amok over Meso American Indian cities in good locations, such as gold / silver / gems / luxaries.

      For good measure, you might want to wipe them out so they don't try to get their cities back.

      The sooner you do this, the easier it will be.

      Note that you don't need to actually build Conquistors, the Small Wonder you start with in Serville will produce Explorers for free which only cost 150 gold each to upgrade. (That's also your best site for Magelians.)

      Don't forget that Conquistadors, Med Inf, and Pikes are all amph. while Knights aren't.
      The stupid shall be punished.
      "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


      • #18
        I have just won with Portugal at Monarch.
        At the beginning I had troubles with Spain,
        but I resisted and after a peace treaty I counter attack and conquered Spanish cities in Europe.
        Once treasure started to arrive in my capital, I was unstoppable.
        I got 37k victory point, spain 7k, other civs less than 5k.

        I think that I will play it again as Spain, because I really enjoyed this conquests.

        Now I'm going to have a try at Sengoku (never tried before).


        • #19
          this is my favourite one. And yes, portugal isn't so bad. They start off in a golden age iirc. It allows you to get a good start despie not having many cities. I've done Spain and England as well. I still want to try the aztecs, and maybe the french. And for a challenge, I may try the netherlands.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dis
            I've done Spain and England as well.
            How easy was playing England.
            The stupid shall be punished.
            "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


            • #21
              England was real easy. This was my very first attempt. So I was on a fairly low level. I settled in England appropiate areas (U.S./canada). So you don't get treasures as often from tobacco and sugar. But it's still not too much a problem. And I wiped out the natives there and did the manifest destiny all the way to the west coast.

              I just finished a game as the Dutch. I thought they would be more challenging. But they aren't. I settled in New York city area (New Amsterdam) as a historical measure. I actually created several more cities in the NE U.S. and Canada area. But these cities were useless for treasures except for 1 fur source. But they turned out to be productive cites, and I built my colonial capital there. They were useful for building military units.

              But the money maker was the carribean. i've done this with portugal and spain as well. There is a gold source, and Cuba has several treasure sources. There's also a spice resource. Sometimes you have to rush improvements if the produciton is low though. I didn't even bother with S. America. The ai players beat me to that. But often they neglect the carribean islands. So I take that.

              One thing to note about the fleet of barbarian ships that start in the carribean area. I had no way to defeat all of them. I led them to the spanish and portugal islands (the Azores and such). I believe the Spanish and Portuguese took care of them. . Thanks guys.

              I also signed a ROP with England for about 60 turns. Eventually they wouldn't have it. But I can still get my ships through their territory in 1 turn without ending on their territory. I also sent a stack of 8 longbowman and medieval infantry to Cuzco- the Inca capitol. This is important because they accumulate culture quickly. So I razed their capitol to the ground. I also hit the Mayan capitol and Aztec capitol, though I doubt they would have hit the culture limit. I ended up occupying much of central america as well . along with mexico.


              • #22
                I just love this scenario. There are different ways to win. I'm going to play as the Aztecs next. Then I might try a European nation and go the pure warmonger route, and not do any settling.


                • #23
                  The stupid shall be punished.
                  "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


                  • #24
                    I know this might be late... (really late) but the best strategy I've found so far is to let the Europeans keep sending units. Then enslave them and sacrifice them to the gods. Usually only works if you do this inland though since European nations will just begin bombardments from sea.

