I've decided to give the Persians a try:
Overview : You have the largest inital area and pop, but have a severe economy problem due to lack of roads. (-55 GPT at 50% on turn 1
) It's so bad that even a GA on turn 1 would still result in a deficit at 50%.
I. Set a worker as the first build for every single city that does not start with one! (Perhaps on a high enough level excluding the portions of Turkey that are very corrupt, but that's it)
This is probably considered an exploit, but I relived Egypt, Carthage, and Rome of a worker each (and cash) in exchange for an alliance with Macedonia the first turn.
II. Most cities do have baracks, but inexplicitary the capital and a bunch of the few cities that start with a worker are missing them. They all need them. (No Sun Tzus) So start these on every city with a worker missing one. Lots of cities have Marketplaces, but ironically the capital and first ring cities are missing them. [Be sure to add these once you get Currancy] Most cities also have Court Houses, and that's in fact what's allowing several cities to have initally semi-decent production, but note that corruption will increase in many starting cities as the infill cities are built.
III Techs: Persia starts down Math (and Currency) to the Romans. Egyptains and Carthage are in the same boat. The Roman AI wants a price larger than it would to attempt to steal it on turn 1 due to the monopoly pricing. I recomend beelining to Heavy Calvary. Probably Republic next (but don't research Monarchy, buy it instead, so if the AI is slow to Monarchy, Literature is a good filler) and then beeline to Imperalism, hopefully via the Philospacy free tech for first person reaching it. Wait for Math & Currency to spread around so that the price decreases before buying. Note that at a DG+ you may be better off with research completely off and buying (and stealing) techs instead.
IV Great Wonders : basically forget about them, with the possible exceptions of the Bacrilla, and if you manage a steal, the Musieum [Babylon is a good choice for this one; has a MP, on a river, lots of food bonuses, and still close to capital] Even with a GA, the fastest you could build ToA is aprox 35 turns, and that's in your capital which would max out at pop 6 and so that would waste a lot of settler builds. (Not to mention military unit builds) And if you somehow manage to get very lucky and get a SGL, that would be a good time to build the most expensive GW left. Pray for Macedonians to build some. This does two things: That's one less Macedonian city producing military units and also since your planning on annexing all of Macedonia anyway, why not let them build the wonders for you at reduced AI bonus rates as well.
V Settlers: You start with 1 in the capital. I recomend sending that one north and founding on the silk-plains tile. Then build a Temple to bring in the Ivory (and also work the wheat.) The next city site should probably be a river coastal one to bring in the spice. After that, several infill city locations along rivers are recommended both as great natural spots, but also to lower unit support costs. In addition there are Gems in the Sinai.
And evenually it will be time to build cities just for expanding land, but be sure the city can grow to at least size 3 or else it's not paying for itself in terms of population. Have cities stuck at size 6 build those settlers and claim land. 20% land is a large portion of the real estate.
VI Targets: I think that Macedonia followed by Egypt may be sufficent when combined with empty lands nearby, but if not, the Scythians would look very tempting.
Rome as not a good target, in fact, watch out for them. If you must fight them, you'll probably need Catapults and later Fire Catapults.
VII Military: Fill the starting army with your Immortals. Cities close to the front lines initally build immortals. Those further initally build Horsemen. When HC is adviable, switch all offensive builds to HC. Defensive builds are Spears until NM aviable and then NM.
One possible invasion plan is split the Macedonians in two by seizing Bryzantine. Then the rest of their possions in Turkey. And finally their Euorpean cities. You also start with 4 Galleys, which in pairs may be useful to sink Macedonian Galleys transporting units. You probably won't need to ever load your Galleys with troops since the AI in a locked war isn't quite as prolific founding cities as it normally is.
VIII Small Wonders: Heroic Epic is definately worth while to normal build. Weather you should normal build or use a MGL the FP (Requires the Republic tech) or not depends upon the timing of when you get leaders. The Palace could also use a better location, but that's so expensive that it would need a MGL. I'd recommend waiting for several of the infill cities to be complete along with the area the new palace is to be in to be well developed before relocating.
IX Govts: You are a Religious civ, and so you can change govts multiple times, but still not recommended in the middle of your GA. I'm also of the opinion that Monarchy is worse than your starting govt; higher corruption in exchange for cash-rush; no thanks. Republic though is worth a switch, especally since as Persia it's less clear that your going to be able to be first to Philosphacy. But switch to Imperalism when that's adviable as well.
X: Victory Conditions: The primary victory condition is 20% of worlds land area + 50% of worlds populaton before time runs out. If time does run out the histograph will be used under the normal formula. I note that Persia starts out with the lead in all three. But I still would recommend trying to achieve domination rather than just siting there. The Roman AI will evenually get the better of the AIs near it, [the higher the level, the sooner this will occur] due to the large list of Roman advantages:
1. The Legion II and III both have higher attack and defense factors than any non-Roman unit. [All all 3 Legions have 1 extra HP]
2. Roman Garrison is the most cost efficent defender.
3. A two tech lead. (Math + Currency)
4. Roman citizen with double movement and half the pop cost of a standard settler.
What the Persians have in the Immoral Immoral is comparable to a weaker version of the Roman Leg I, and it gets worse by comparison as time goes on.
Fortunately, all civs can build the Heavy Calvary.
There are civs with weaker UUs though:
Egyptain War Chariot.
And the "barb" UUs.
Overview : You have the largest inital area and pop, but have a severe economy problem due to lack of roads. (-55 GPT at 50% on turn 1

I. Set a worker as the first build for every single city that does not start with one! (Perhaps on a high enough level excluding the portions of Turkey that are very corrupt, but that's it)
This is probably considered an exploit, but I relived Egypt, Carthage, and Rome of a worker each (and cash) in exchange for an alliance with Macedonia the first turn.
II. Most cities do have baracks, but inexplicitary the capital and a bunch of the few cities that start with a worker are missing them. They all need them. (No Sun Tzus) So start these on every city with a worker missing one. Lots of cities have Marketplaces, but ironically the capital and first ring cities are missing them. [Be sure to add these once you get Currancy] Most cities also have Court Houses, and that's in fact what's allowing several cities to have initally semi-decent production, but note that corruption will increase in many starting cities as the infill cities are built.
III Techs: Persia starts down Math (and Currency) to the Romans. Egyptains and Carthage are in the same boat. The Roman AI wants a price larger than it would to attempt to steal it on turn 1 due to the monopoly pricing. I recomend beelining to Heavy Calvary. Probably Republic next (but don't research Monarchy, buy it instead, so if the AI is slow to Monarchy, Literature is a good filler) and then beeline to Imperalism, hopefully via the Philospacy free tech for first person reaching it. Wait for Math & Currency to spread around so that the price decreases before buying. Note that at a DG+ you may be better off with research completely off and buying (and stealing) techs instead.
IV Great Wonders : basically forget about them, with the possible exceptions of the Bacrilla, and if you manage a steal, the Musieum [Babylon is a good choice for this one; has a MP, on a river, lots of food bonuses, and still close to capital] Even with a GA, the fastest you could build ToA is aprox 35 turns, and that's in your capital which would max out at pop 6 and so that would waste a lot of settler builds. (Not to mention military unit builds) And if you somehow manage to get very lucky and get a SGL, that would be a good time to build the most expensive GW left. Pray for Macedonians to build some. This does two things: That's one less Macedonian city producing military units and also since your planning on annexing all of Macedonia anyway, why not let them build the wonders for you at reduced AI bonus rates as well.

V Settlers: You start with 1 in the capital. I recomend sending that one north and founding on the silk-plains tile. Then build a Temple to bring in the Ivory (and also work the wheat.) The next city site should probably be a river coastal one to bring in the spice. After that, several infill city locations along rivers are recommended both as great natural spots, but also to lower unit support costs. In addition there are Gems in the Sinai.
And evenually it will be time to build cities just for expanding land, but be sure the city can grow to at least size 3 or else it's not paying for itself in terms of population. Have cities stuck at size 6 build those settlers and claim land. 20% land is a large portion of the real estate.
VI Targets: I think that Macedonia followed by Egypt may be sufficent when combined with empty lands nearby, but if not, the Scythians would look very tempting.
Rome as not a good target, in fact, watch out for them. If you must fight them, you'll probably need Catapults and later Fire Catapults.
VII Military: Fill the starting army with your Immortals. Cities close to the front lines initally build immortals. Those further initally build Horsemen. When HC is adviable, switch all offensive builds to HC. Defensive builds are Spears until NM aviable and then NM.
One possible invasion plan is split the Macedonians in two by seizing Bryzantine. Then the rest of their possions in Turkey. And finally their Euorpean cities. You also start with 4 Galleys, which in pairs may be useful to sink Macedonian Galleys transporting units. You probably won't need to ever load your Galleys with troops since the AI in a locked war isn't quite as prolific founding cities as it normally is.
VIII Small Wonders: Heroic Epic is definately worth while to normal build. Weather you should normal build or use a MGL the FP (Requires the Republic tech) or not depends upon the timing of when you get leaders. The Palace could also use a better location, but that's so expensive that it would need a MGL. I'd recommend waiting for several of the infill cities to be complete along with the area the new palace is to be in to be well developed before relocating.
IX Govts: You are a Religious civ, and so you can change govts multiple times, but still not recommended in the middle of your GA. I'm also of the opinion that Monarchy is worse than your starting govt; higher corruption in exchange for cash-rush; no thanks. Republic though is worth a switch, especally since as Persia it's less clear that your going to be able to be first to Philosphacy. But switch to Imperalism when that's adviable as well.
X: Victory Conditions: The primary victory condition is 20% of worlds land area + 50% of worlds populaton before time runs out. If time does run out the histograph will be used under the normal formula. I note that Persia starts out with the lead in all three. But I still would recommend trying to achieve domination rather than just siting there. The Roman AI will evenually get the better of the AIs near it, [the higher the level, the sooner this will occur] due to the large list of Roman advantages:
1. The Legion II and III both have higher attack and defense factors than any non-Roman unit. [All all 3 Legions have 1 extra HP]
2. Roman Garrison is the most cost efficent defender.
3. A two tech lead. (Math + Currency)
4. Roman citizen with double movement and half the pop cost of a standard settler.
What the Persians have in the Immoral Immoral is comparable to a weaker version of the Roman Leg I, and it gets worse by comparison as time goes on.
Fortunately, all civs can build the Heavy Calvary.
There are civs with weaker UUs though:
Egyptain War Chariot.

And the "barb" UUs.