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Winning through Diplomacy

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  • Winning through Diplomacy

    I'm writing to ask for advice on how to win Civ III through Diplomatic Finesse. My military game is strong, with me usually the strongest civ and easily the most technologically advanced. But I'm tired of having every civ furious at me, and was wondering what I can do about it.

    I was wondering if some aspects of how I play the game need changing:
    1. I know better than to raze a captured city I don't want, so my work around has been to keep it for a turn and then to abandon it.
    2. When I capture enemy workers, I keep them forever. It's normal for me to end a game with 50+ captured workers from civs I've knocked heads with.
    3. Donating Luxury Resources and Strategic Resources never seems to turn around that civ's opinion of me.

    The AI seems to have a LONG memory. I foolishly abused a Right of Passage agreement, and 4000 years later other civs are still castigating me for it.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    give them free techs, they will love you.

    and when you are done with the captured workers, you can give them back as well.


    • #3
      Abandoning cities which don't have a majority of YOUR cits count the same as razing!
      According to CFC: War Academy: AI Attitude returning workers is a bad idea, also.


      • #4
        Re: Winning through Diplomacy

        Originally posted by Sir Konksalot
        2. When I capture enemy workers, I keep them forever. It's normal for me to end a game with 50+ captured workers from civs I've knocked heads with.
        Either give them back when the war ends, or incorporate them in to your cities. (I don't recommend the latter if you're going to war again. ) Using their citizens as slaves will tick them off.

        Originally posted by Sir Konksalot
        The AI seems to have a LONG memory. I foolishly abused a Right of Passage agreement, and 4000 years later other civs are still castigating me for it.
        Yep, don't do that. Stick to your treaties.


        • #5
          easiest way is:
          never sign rop or pacts.
          alliances only if u can manage war for 20 turns.
          always give in on treaties:
          pick one or two victim civs, and leave the others alone.

          btw a civ u have war with, will only get pissed if u go offensive (killing units in their homelands, capturing cities). Killing their units in your lands has no influence.

          To get a victory u can try to sign pacts the turn before building the UN. But beware, it happened to me that other civs started wars after i signed, and before the building of the UN, so pacts were broken, and reputation lost ...



          • #6
            My 2 cents:
            Be sure YOU build the UN and keep track of when a vote is coming up for sec-gen (every 10th turn). That way you can keep putting off the vote until you are reasonably sure of winning it.
            And save the game a turn before the vote.
            RoPs are okay to sign; these usually bring some good will your way. Pacts are right out You don't need somebody else's war mucking things up. War is unavoidable in the game, but don't go around starting them unless you have picked, as safaN said, one or two "victim" civs.
            Slave workers have never made much of a difference for me. I usually return them, sell them off, or turn them into airfields etc. I dislike using them because they're so slow.
            And free techs are a great way to get some favor, especially a turn or two before the UN vote.
            "We may be in a hallucination here, but that's no excuse for being delusional!." K.S. Robinson, 'The Years Of Rice And Salt.'


            • #7
              Re: Winning through Diplomacy

              #1: Abandoing any city with 50%+ foreign = raizing as far as AI concerned.

              #2: Enemy Workers. As long as your not doing things such as pop rushing, the AI prefers them to be citizens in your cities instead of being slaves.

              #3: Donations. Don't bother until the turn before your planning on calling the election. (A tech prefered)

              The AI has a very short memory on gifts.

              Also, minimize the number of AIs you've been at war with at all, the one's you've been at war with are usually furious with you the rest of the game. (Or until you wipe that one out so it can't vote against you.)

              Originally posted by Sir Konksalot
              I'm writing to ask for advice on how to win Civ III through Diplomatic Finesse. My military game is strong, with me usually the strongest civ and easily the most technologically advanced. But I'm tired of having every civ furious at me, and was wondering what I can do about it.

              I was wondering if some aspects of how I play the game need changing:
              1. I know better than to raze a captured city I don't want, so my work around has been to keep it for a turn and then to abandon it.
              2. When I capture enemy workers, I keep them forever. It's normal for me to end a game with 50+ captured workers from civs I've knocked heads with.
              3. Donating Luxury Resources and Strategic Resources never seems to turn around that civ's opinion of me.

              The AI seems to have a LONG memory. I foolishly abused a Right of Passage agreement, and 4000 years later other civs are still castigating me for it.

              Thanks in advance!
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #8
                Re: Winning through Diplomacy

                Originally posted by Sir Konksalot I foolishly abused a Right of Passage agreement, and 4000 years later other civs are still castigating me for it.
                That'll do it. heheh. If you must break a RoP, you might as well do it right....full RoP rape or something along those lines. The AI's done it to me...
                Now I know better--I never enter into an RoP with an AI civ unless I'm going to wax them.

                Of course, if you want good relations you would never do that in the first place. I personally never do that to the AI. No way. Not me.
                Let Them Eat Cake


                • #9
                  One thing I haven't seen mentioned: when you build an embassy with another civ, their attitude improves slightly. RoPs give you a bigger bonus though.
                  "Every time I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself, 'What would Tom Cruise do?' Then I jump up and down on the couch." - Neil Strauss


                  • #10
                    The RoP bonsus is only active while the RoP is active.
                    So, going for Diplomatic victory, there's no need to sign such a thing until the last turn prior to completion of it.

                    The surest way to win Diplomaticly.

                    1. Minimimize number of civs that you've ever been at war with that survive to the modern era.

                    Two turns before it completes : Sign MPPs & ROPs with all but one civ if there's not any ongoing wars and declare war upon that one civ. Have a obsolete unit that the AI is bound to attack on their turn to trigue the MPPs. This chosen civ should preferabely either be a civ you've already been at war with or else able to vote for themselves at the UN.

                    If there is an ongoing war, then only pick one side of the war to sign the MPPs & ROPs with. If it appears to have three or more sides then stay clear of MPP agreements.

                    One turn before it completes:

                    1. Sign Military Alliances against the victum race, especally if for whatever reason the MPPs haven't trigured. The Military Alliances can also be used safety in the multi-sided war case when MPPs couldn't be done.

                    2. Grant a tech as a gift to all non-victum races.

                    3. Get an active trade deal with the non-victum races you don't already have if possible.
                    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                    Templar Science Minister
                    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

