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Auto clean pollution or damage

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  • Auto clean pollution or damage

    Hi everyone,

    Long time reader, long time player, first post here at Apolyton.

    I've read a lot of posts here, but I have yet to find a solution about my pollution problems. I have just picked up C3C, version 1.22, no mods installed. The auto clean up polloution (or damage, whatever you call it) isn't working. Shift-P seems to do nothing. So I have to spend many many minutes each turn manually sending my worker units to clean. Am I missing something here or is this a problem with the game?

  • #2
    I never automate workers, so I cannot say. I would just make a stack or two and fort them in the same location. When pollution pops up grab a stack and run them over and clean it.


    • #3
      Yeah, I don't automate either, except for cleaning up the pollution. But when the pollution is bad it takes a long long time to manually tell a hundred workers what to do.

      Can anyone help me to automate the clean up of pollution?


      • #4
        SHIFT-P only works once pollution has already appeared; it isn't a full automated mode. It does not save you the trouble of ordering workers to clean-up, only makes it shorter because you don't have to move them to a polluted tile first. Once that cleaning job is done, they'll revert to your control. (Or maybe they won't till all pollution is gone following a movement round. I can't remember the specifics, but they will revert to your control eventually.)

        If you want a truly automatic team, use SHIFT+A; that will give them full automation (the SHIFT telling them not to change mines and irrigation). Be warned, though: They'll road and railroad over every single tile in your territory, and mine or irrigate any tile that doesn't have it yet, once you set them loose. They'll even spend multiple turns attempting to cross through another civ's territory if there's unimproved land of yours on the other side of it. Don't use it unless you have a united empire whose terrain arrangements you're happy with.

