I've made my way up to regent, but I'm having problems on regent I always seem to be behind in the tech and wonders, I'm usually the persians always since they are scientific/industrial, and horsemen+immortals are very nice for taking down towns, since the immortals are so cheap to build (if you have iron). I usually always have to go the war-machine route since if I dont completely crush other civs on my continent they always come back to haunt me if I let them build up.
Is there anyway to take the pressure off? Is there somewhere I can learn to get things done faster? My use of specialists is pretty limited I usually have enough for one at each city or have the problem of no growth if I do make one.
I can't seem to find any info on just how good different governments are and what they change exactly except for support and 'knowing' your corruption is reduced a little bit. It seems if you have a massive civ you need communism ASAP or else you suffer massive production problems.
I'm using using C3C and the latest patch everyone is always out to attack me and they are always 'annoyed' to 'furious' with me. And the civilizations on the same contintent always have rights of passage which always makes it two against one since boths civs are opportunistic and out to get me since they see me expanding fiercly, I take out the first nearest civ 100% of the time. But that usually leaves one or two civs left to deal with and they usually go republic, is republic that good?
I usually have to keep despotism for a long time and forgo Monarchy and Republic in favor of producing units to keep myself from being conquered. I can win but its always a long hard fought battle on regent, I slowly take over an entire continent then I finally am able to switch governments.
Also I'd like to know how science is calculated since I always seem to have problems with civilizations getting 4-5 techs ahead of me.
Is there anyway to take the pressure off? Is there somewhere I can learn to get things done faster? My use of specialists is pretty limited I usually have enough for one at each city or have the problem of no growth if I do make one.
I can't seem to find any info on just how good different governments are and what they change exactly except for support and 'knowing' your corruption is reduced a little bit. It seems if you have a massive civ you need communism ASAP or else you suffer massive production problems.
I'm using using C3C and the latest patch everyone is always out to attack me and they are always 'annoyed' to 'furious' with me. And the civilizations on the same contintent always have rights of passage which always makes it two against one since boths civs are opportunistic and out to get me since they see me expanding fiercly, I take out the first nearest civ 100% of the time. But that usually leaves one or two civs left to deal with and they usually go republic, is republic that good?
I usually have to keep despotism for a long time and forgo Monarchy and Republic in favor of producing units to keep myself from being conquered. I can win but its always a long hard fought battle on regent, I slowly take over an entire continent then I finally am able to switch governments.
Also I'd like to know how science is calculated since I always seem to have problems with civilizations getting 4-5 techs ahead of me.