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The Power of the Luxury Slider...

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  • The Power of the Luxury Slider...

    Hey all, I saw this somewhere else, perhaps it was an old post, but I found it extreemly usefull.

    I was playing on Warlord with the Mayans, and realized that my capitol was starving at pop 10. I investigated the matter, and found that two citizens were busy being entertainers to keep the city out of disorder.

    Then I remembered about that post I read. So, I increased the luxury slider to 10%.

    Instantly, the two entertainers went to working the land. Not only did I get a surplus of 4 food, but my production went up by 4 as well. Also, my commece went up by about 4 too.

    Then my pop went from pop 10 to pop 12. Now I'm getting about 3 more production and 4 more commerce.

    So, in just my capitol, I gained 7 production and 8 commerce by raising the luxury slider 10%.

    The really cool thing was that I had about 5 more cities like my capitol, and I gained WLTKD's in about 5 other cities.

    The net effect was that in about 10 turns, my GPT doubled, my science rated dropped by about 2-3 turns per tech, and I can now build improvements much faster, netting even more income and science.


    Dan O.

  • #2
    If you like that, get extra luxuries and combine them with marketplaces


    • #3
      Be sure to notice if you have any irrigated tiles and if you now need the food. Often players will have a cow irrigated and since they are max pop, do not need the extra food and could now mine the cow.

      Also look for citizens that are working on a tile (mined) that is only yielding one shield and see if you have a tile that yields two shields (as long as you have enough food). This can mean a mined hill or mountain.

      Next check to see if you have a tile that is not worked and is next to a river. Road and mine it and use it instead of a lesser tile. You pick up an extra commerce bonus from the river.

      The concept is correct, but you need to be sure to not wait until it is using two entertainers. Learn the break points and be prepared. I mean at what point the gov will slap on an entertainer for the level you are on and you lux situation.

      This is best done by not using the gov at all. Noting when you are going to grow the next turn and then acting.

