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culturally linked

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  • culturally linked

    what are the pros and cons of having culturally linked starting positions?

  • #2
    Culturally similar nations are supposed to be more sympathetic to you and are less likely to attack you than other civilizations. In general though, I've never really seen much difference.


    • #3
      As Sabre2th says, there's a slight diplomacy difference within your own culture group. (Though wouldn't you want those civs farther away from you where you don't need to conquer them for your land...?)

      Otherwise, it's a matter of what other civs are in your culture group. For instance, you might not want culture-linking on if you're a non-Greek Mediterranean civ, lest you start next to Hoplites and have early conquest made difficult.

      I generally just leave it off, myself.


      • #4
        Note that there is a bug in C3C that places you next to American civs, no matter what your culture group.


        • #5
          Buried Question.
          I am playing the babs, which get a free tech when they enter a new age. Is there a way to choose which tech you get for free? I keep getting the worst of the choice (for my strategy). When the new era box pops up, I choose see the big picture and select the one I want for free, but rarely get it. I even tried using the shift/click to give it a tech order and it still won't work. I am entering the modern age and want computers. i keep getting fission or rocketry. I don't have that many gurlies to upgrade and a lot of infantry. I have no intention of building nukes, so fission is almost useless.

          Anyone have any luck figuring out how to force the freebie?


          • #6
            Same Culture Group : Marginally less agressive (+1 point)

            I think the bug is more like if selected as many civs in the American civ group as possible are placed. So if your non American and there are 5 AIs, your neighbors by neccesity will be American.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #7
              You have no control over your free tech at each era granted for being Scientific.

              If playing Vanilla, it's over 90% that you'll get Monotheism, Nationalism, and Rocketry. (Top most techs)

              Playing Conquests, it's supposed to be more random but I've noticed more Fedualism than probability would dictate. My sample set is still tiny.

              You can pick your Philosphacy free tech, just select it upon getting Philosphacy.

              For ToE: If you want the first of them to be truely free, turn off reseach and spend nothing towards the first one of these. Requires planning ahead.

              The second one is easier, just select it.

              For Goody Huts free techs, you always get the cheapest tech you don't have that your not resarching. So you are really selecting between the second cheapest [if researching the cheapest] and the cheapest [if reseraching anything else.]

              Originally posted by cousLee
              Buried Question.
              I am playing the babs, which get a free tech when they enter a new age. Is there a way to choose which tech you get for free? I keep getting the worst of the choice (for my strategy). When the new era box pops up, I choose see the big picture and select the one I want for free, but rarely get it. I even tried using the shift/click to give it a tech order and it still won't work. I am entering the modern age and want computers. i keep getting fission or rocketry. I don't have that many gurlies to upgrade and a lot of infantry. I have no intention of building nukes, so fission is almost useless.

              Anyone have any luck figuring out how to force the freebie?
              Last edited by joncnunn; February 14, 2005, 18:50.
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #8
                Originally posted by joncnunn
                For ToE: If you want the first of them to be truely free, turn off reseach and spend nothing towards the first one of these. Requires planning ahead.
                Better yet, time the finishing of a tech for exactly the turn, when ToE is finished. This gets you three techs in one turn, usually leaving the AI in the dust.
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • #9
                  thx. There are a couple iof things I have thought about trying. if sucessfull will let you all know.


                  • #10
                    It WERKS 4 Me!

                    I just had to give it one more shot. 1st try i did get computers. second test got ecology. Here are the steps I took.

                    FIRST: "you have entered a new age": select whats the big picture.
                    SECOND: Science screen pops up: select the one you want, then shift click the remaining choices (the ones you don't want for free. I chose the second choice for the one I wanted to research afterwards, which was minaturazation. Then ecology, fission, rockerty.
                    THIRD: then I clicked on the first advisor and changed the science rate up 10%. (I did not change the rate on the second test, so this appears to be optional)
                    FOURTH: reselected the science advisor, and closed the screen.

                    On the second test, I selected ecology as the first choice then rocketry, fission, computers.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by alexman
                      Note that there is a bug in C3C that places you next to American civs, no matter what your culture group.
                      I tought that was a feature. Anyways the Americans are my first target so they don't impress me


