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Tips/Pointers on Warlord builder style...

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  • Tips/Pointers on Warlord builder style...

    Hey all.

    Just thought it was high time I came in for some tips and pointers.

    I've been playing Civ 3 off and on since it came out, so I'm not a noob. I've also played Civ 2 for many years before that.

    Anyway, the last two games I played on Warlord did not go well. I believe it was due to the fact that I was stuck with no Iron or Horses on my continent.

    What I have figured out is that the in-game map generator is slightly different from the editor generator. The biggest difference I have seen is that the editor generator puts out about 2-3 times as many resouces (all kinds) as the in-game.

    At least, that is the case when I make the rules editable. I did that so I could change the resouce appearance ratio to 166, but found that it was already at 160, so I didn't change it.

    I believe that the in game generator sets it to 100.

    So, anyway, I generated this huge, continents, 60% water, temperate, normal, and 4 billion year old map in the editor. I then hand picked my starting location. (hey, people restart the game all the time to get a good location). I also deleted all the stupid starting locations for the AI. This way, they won't be on some damn tundra island, or right next to me.

    Anyway, I've got exactly 20 cities and the year is 290BC.

    I'm playing as the Celts, because I think they have two of the best traits (agricultural and religious).

    Just looking for advice, tips, pointers, what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right, that sort of thing.

    Dan O.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Since you have the map, post the 4000bc start. Anyway a quick look shows a number of problems. Many cities are working on settlers and are too small.

    You have at least two towns at size 1 on a settler? It can not be produced until the pop is 3, so that could be a lot of lost turns.
    A size 2 town is in the same boat, it only has +2 food. This is not a good canidate for a settler.

    If you were to make a few workers and improve the land, it cold get to be one.

    I see a mine on a mountain in the capitol. The tile is not even being worked, so that was a lot of wasted worker turns.

    Lots trees that could have been chopped to speed up builds, but no workers are in sight in those towns.

    You only have a 1/4 of the allowed units. It is a good thing you set it up that no one is close or you could be attacked with disasterous results.

    I am not sure about the research path, but if you did not get Myst from a hut or a trade, why do it? It is really only for getting to Monarch and you are not learning it?

    No ships are build so none are out looking for contacts. At least 7 of your 11 troops are far from home, so you have no defenses at all.

    It probably will not be a great learning tool to make so much land available with no Ai for miles. This pushes you to really crank out settlers at an artifical rate.

    BTW I don't think the celts are the best choice for a map that you have no one for such great distances. Mayans would do better as they could use AG and Ind to grow fast and their UU to enslave barbs for workers.

    I would not care for Rel in any game, but surely not this one. Their UU will be obsolete before it gets into action. China would do better as a middle age or even Ind age UU would be right on time.

