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play The World Unit Upgrade..

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  • play The World Unit Upgrade..

    hi, I have Civ3 play the world version 1.27f and im having some problems.. first i cant shoot my tactical nukes in my nuclear subs. ive doubl checked they are in the sea and i've even tried the ocean and coast i cannot upgrade my units either. for example i build spearmen and when i am in the middle ages and have discovered the technology to build pikemen i cannot upgrade them to pikemen, i have the money and i have the resources. whats wrong?

  • #2
    On the pikemen: Okay, you have the money and the iron... but do you have them inside a city with a barracks? That's required too.

    Not sure about the tac nukes. I've never played a nuke war against a human, and I never feel I need to have them in the subs against the AI.


    • #3
      Check the cities resource to see if it has iron. The empire may have it, but is that city on the trade grid (connected by road/harbor).

      Then as Kloreep said, it needs a barracks and the cash. I never used nuke sub in any game, but I do seem to recall some issues with them.


      • #4
        a rule that i have set for my self is to always build barracks 3 of the streongest units available to defend the city. so yes i already do have the barracks. i also have every city connected and a road leads to the iron or any other type of resource so that cant be the problem either. if i am correct it would say what recources a city has on the top left quarner of the screen when you go to the city. if thats it then the city has it since it appears there. just in cvase i didnt say this earlier this happens to all units, i just used the pikeman as an example.


        • #5
          Does the game let you build a Pikeman in the same city that you wish to upgrade a Spear to a Pike?

          How much cash is currently in your tresury?
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #6
            This sounds strange. How about you post a save from this game, ranger56?


            • #7
              to answer ur question yes it does let me build them.. but i got thr problem fixed.. i thought i had the patch instaled but i instaled it to the wrong place, so i reinstaled it to the right place and this fixed the problem.

