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Bad in science, bad with relationships. Help needed

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  • #16
    Originally posted by vmxa1
    In the scenario properties you can change the number of players. Just know that the more players in the game the faster the Ai can research.
    Yeah, I hadn't thought that at all. I will change number of players back to the default.


    • #17
      Or, in fact, I think I will try
      Apolyton University Mod next.


      • #18
        Having never tried the AU mod, my overall impression of it is that is makes things harder for the human player, not easier. But I'll defer to actual users of it if someone else chimes in.


        • #19
          Originally posted by gunkulator
          Having never tried the AU mod, my overall impression of it is that is makes things harder for the human player, not easier. But I'll defer to actual users of it if someone else chimes in.
          I am not seeking easy game. Instead I enjoy a lot if AI is "really" intelligent. Usually AIs are stupid even they can win me.


          • #20
            Originally posted by gunkulator
            Having never tried the AU mod, my overall impression of it is that is makes things harder for the human player, not easier.
            The purpose of the mod is not to make things easier on the human player. Nor is it to make things harder, but it may feel like this for a couple of reasons: one, the AU mod tries to improve the AI to make it more competitive longer; two, the AU mod tries to present the human player with more valid strategic options, which may seem like it makes the game harder because one has to think more.

            So, for instance, one big change in the mod is that Curraghs move much slower in Sea tiles. This was done to address the "suicide" exploit where the human player gets Contacts far earlier than the AI is able to do so. While this does make the game harder in an absolute sense, it's no harder than playing the game without using the exploit (which many players do not).
            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #21
              As a builder on the emperor level or higher, when you're behind on technology, which I usually am in the late ancient throughout most of the middle ages, the easiest way I’ve found to catch up is to drop tech down to 10% or 0%, put everything else you can into cash, and buy all the techs you can. I can usually earn enough money to buy a tech about every 5 or 6 turns or so. A t that rate of buying techs, you should be able to catch up with the AI's by around the end of the Middle Ages. Once you've caught up, switch it around and put as much as you can into some techs the AI's don't have and probably aren't currently researching. For example, in the industrial age, the AI's almost always get nationalism first, then industrialization, then last they get medicine, so at that point I'll try to research medicine first. If you're the first person in the world to research something like medicine, you're sitting on a gold mine; you can trade it and sell it to all of the AI's at once (make sure you do it on your turn, and all on the same turn, or they'll sell to each other). That should get you whatever techs you don't have yet, as well as tons of money; AI's on emperor level are often really rich, and with your new tech, you can usually drain them all of pretty much everything they have. Now you're suddenly tied with all the AI's on a technical level and you have enough gold coming in from them that you can probably afford to go 90% or 100% science and pull ahead in sciences. When I’m a builder and not involved in any major wars, I try to never research a tech that someone else has; I find that you’re better off researching one that no one else has, and then either buying the other techs or trading the tech you have for the one you don’t.


              • #22
                Originally posted by wertyu70
                I'm a Regent/Monarch level player and I was always defeated at Emperor level.Now I'm playing a Training Succession Game described in Apolyton University Section and I'm learning a lot about tech trading and strategies for this level.
                I should do that, too. I can almost always beat Monarch but Emp is more of a challenge. I need to learn how to prevent a KAI on Emperor. If I get a strong AI on Emperor, I'm doomed. If I get a strong AI on Monarch, usually I can wipe them out militarily.
                Let Them Eat Cake

