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mr Fraxis read this

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  • mr Fraxis read this

    me again sry guys

    i was wrong,, single player works fine,, been really busy at work,,only just had time to tinker with the mp game play.

    right it seems i got me another problem. everything works great intill i click launch game in mp. avg off, fire wall off, and not running through g,spy, but tried all ways. game goes through the mossions on launch, fine untill i spawn, a spit second after i see my spawn location game goes to main menu. with no back to game option. patch i installed was civ 3ptw121f english version as im from england and thats my cd version. it does feel like a fire wall prob but i tried turning that off with avg, no joy

    sombody tell me im stupid and my probs really simple..
    but im new to this game and its easy for me to miss somthing... thing is , if fraxis want me to spend another 60 quid on there software they had better sort things out next time. cos like joe public, i ent gona bother with all this messing about.

    swainy. thx for any help.....

    no need for that ,, sry to tho's who saw it
    Last edited by swainy; December 30, 2004, 07:12.

  • #2
    or i give the pirate fix to 500 thousand peoples

    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      Re: mr Fraxis read this

      The error you describe is most likely due to different patch versions on different sides of the connection. Try getting v1.27f instead. (There is an UK English version of that one somewhere)
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        Gramphos thanks for your reply, unfortunatly i;ve tried everything to get this game working, all the patches on this site, verious other sites, turning fire wall, avg, g/spy off un-re-installed everytime i tried a new patch.

        "Try getting v1.27f instead. (There is an UK English version of that one somewhere)" <<--- got the t-shirt, no joy. spent at least 4 solid days worth of hours messing about with this game... and all the english version patches and others,.

        v1.27f took me back to last year error message saying "no cd in drive D:\" v1.29 got me to spawn for one second before game went to main menu without a reason. the funny thing is im able to sit in lobie and chat to people (which lobie i have no clue)

        you name it i tried it... apart from downloading no cd crack. no game crack (which i know loads are playing it and never paid like me)

        you guys at fraxis are going to lose money, i loved sid miers alpha, me and my friend played for years. im pritty clued up where pc;s are conserned, 60% of people out there are not. to have to go through all this to get a game working, makes me never want to buy your products again. This is a great shame for me as i really want to play your games.

        Yours Sin,

        M.A Swain
        8 Larne rd,
        Birmingham B26 2nP,


        • #5
          Are you sure you use the UK one (~7 MB exe)

          (Not the US one (~11 MB exe))
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            And you are able to chat with other patch versions. (For some very stange reason the mp lobby doesn't check the gameversion you are playing, allowing connections with incompatible versionst to take place.

            The best way is to try out with someone you know, and most desirabale on the same LAN at first. Moving to the same computers but over gamespy, and so on until the error comes up.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              right for some strange rason, i got me a host conection that works,, nothing else on the menu, i have to host... but when i conect i can make it work, i'll be looking into this deeper...

              but for now it looks like we cracked it... Gramphos really apriesiate your imput.. keep your eyes peeled on this spot,, cos i'll be tweeking tom.... happy new year.. and thx for taking time out ur way.. i will pay you back ,, buy getting 500 thousand people to buy this game.. by telling all my friends, its fix able..

              ttfn swainy


              • #8
                right i spent days reading, and testing,, game runs a little better from a single player point of view but still got the same problem where playing other folk is consernd, this is what i did and the results: turn fire-wall off, m/player, set options, game configurement, lanch, tic toc, game spawns, 1 seconds later back to main menu, and now i got the added virus trojan wall warning!!!!! why the hell mr fraxis never added ip conection game play, like in "alpha" i'll never know.

                im up a creak with this game, had it over a year, not beaten yet, still got some other options, im slowly running outer them tho, please wont sombody help me?

                :-((((((( swainy

