Originally posted by Commy
So, instead of dropping off units in one turn, can you pick up units in the field and bring them back in one turn? Does the game allow that?
So, instead of dropping off units in one turn, can you pick up units in the field and bring them back in one turn? Does the game allow that?

I've been thinking, one can enable "rebasing" to ground unit, and even sea units... (Once made all of my modern sea-units, up from destroyer, able to rebase, in order to mimic the increased speed, reliability and range off modern units... It doesn't take years for a carrier fleet to go around the globe, right?)
Anyways, I'm thinking one could have the paratrooper units be able to rebase, I believe it works independantly of where the unit is, so one could jump into enemy territory, wreac havoc, and rebase back to friendly city.
I'm doubtfull if AI could use such features, though.