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Worker question

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  • Worker question

    I unearthed my civ 3 cd at my daughter's request and realise one thing I think is silly: The ai seems to like to target workers. So if I have 2 workers in the field near 2 cavalries, the ai will use its own cavalry to take the workers, which allows me to kill the ai cavalries (since these units are better on offense than defense), and I'll regain my workers sooner or later since I've effectively destroyed the enemy army by luring them into attacking workers.
    Has this been fixed in PTW, conquests or does the ai still like to attack workers instead of dangerous units?
    Clash of Civilization team member
    (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
    web site and forum here on apolyton)

  • #2
    don't know a thing about the coding, but yes
    i have seen the ai leave workers standing in the field
    and target troops instead
    i set up a fence of captured workers to protect my expensive but successful berserker - the ai took the shortest path straight for my bearded wonder

    @#%@# - SoZ can really screw with your amphibious landings

    i've also (c3c) seen them target elite troops when they could have hit wounded regulars
    I don't know what I am - Pekka


    • #3
      It has been a while since I play C3 or PTW, but I seem to remember they patched that a bit. The AI should not be so quick to go for the bait of a dangling worker.

      It will do it in C3C to some degree. How much I am not sure as it is very rare for me to have a worker in spot to be captured. I would not use the old exploit, so it could be that they will still go for it.


      • #4
        From what I remember, the AI will go for workers, but will disband them and usually will only go for them if it can supply a defensive unit, so it is usually impossible to get the workers back, and difficult to destroy the unit if it is on a mountain or hill...

