Can some one tell me the exact way score is calculated. Are the future techs just added on the the accumulative score or are they factor into it. And is there a conquest bonus like in Civ I??? This question is for Civ III and sorry I if I posted it in the wrong place or messed up some other way. Thank you in advance.
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Civ Score
Everything is multiplied by the difficulty factor. 1-8, Chieftain-Sid.
Population consists of 1 point for every specialist or content citizen in your civ, and 2 points for every happy citizen. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.
Territory is 1 point for every tile within your cultural borders. This score is multiplied by Difficulty.
Future technology I'm not sure on, but it's something like 50 points per each. This score is multiplied by Difficulty. I think this is a one time only deal as well, either that or it's significantly lower than 50 points. The most tech score I've ever gotten was 17.7 points with 26 future techs on Deity, so basically it's a non-factor anyways.
Adding Population + Territory + Technology up gives you your turn score. Adding up every turn score and then dividing by the number of turns played yeilds the base score. Then the bonus is added.
The bonus is simply by date, the formala is (2050 - Date) * Difficulty. It is awarded for any victory condition.
This is the best understanding I have at this time. Barbs do not seem to affect the score AFAIK.
thanks for the help! I'm gonna make this map to try to test my micro management skills. One plan is to have just enough food to support a metro of 27 (enough entertainers to keep all citizens happy). The other plan is to have just enough sheilds to keep my cities going along at a steady pace (the rest is food). What do you think would yeild a higher score? The one with the max people or the one with the max tech. I know you said future techs don't really matter but I'm gonna try it anyway. And btw no enemy civs or barbs, just me to practice city management. Send your thoughts please. Thanks
Future Tech score
There does not seem to be a linear relationship between how many Future Techs you have discovered and the score you get for them--AND/OR there is a time delay--i.e. something like a time-weighted average is used--the points may be based on how long you have had however many Future Techs. On a Regent game, I had to get 2 Future Techs before I even had 0.1 points for it. In the early going, I had about 0.05 points for each tech. By the time I had 20 Future Techs, I had something like 7.0 points or more, which is about 0.3 points per tech. So the points-per-Tech went up as time went on. So there must be a 2nd-order relationship and/or time-weighted average involved.Last edited by holy; December 26, 2004, 20:37.Soli Deo Gloria
Future techs cannot do much to the score as they come so late. It is an avg, so you will not have many turns of the future tech to average out.
It is like a baseball player at the end of the season. Going 3/6 will not do much to his avg as he could have over 600 AB's.
You may have over 500 turns in before you get future techs adding to the score.
The biggest impact is to add land and pop. This is why you get the highest score with a conquest game played all the way to 2050 or till you have all the land.
Well you could do better with an extereme early win. A one turn win will yield the highest score.
So grab all the land you can, put granaries in all cities and max out food (once you get the other civs in control). So you havemax tiles and max pop in the shortest time.
thanks for all the help guys. I understand how the scoring system works. Another question... how do science rates and productions improvemets work... what are the nuts and bolts. (Oh yeah, and luxury improvements also.) Do the bonuses stack? Will you have different effects if you build them in different order i.e. does the 100% from the Manufacturing Plant work off the total sheilds worked in the city square or 100% of the current production with your factor and nuclear at work. Same with wonders, would it be better to build Copurn's Observ, and Newt's College. before a library and university, or vise versa, or it really doesn't matter. Either way,is it ever benificial to build improvements and wonders in a certain order to maximize the bonuses they provide. I hope you understand what I mean by this. One last question do I find out the exact number of science points I recive to gain the next tech? These questions are for Civ3 not civc or civptw. Thank you for all your help. Civ on!
All improvements work off the base amount, so, no, order is irrelevant. For example, if a city produces 20 gpt, and you then build a Marketplace, it will now produce 30gpt. If you now build a Bank, it will produce 40gpt, not 45gpt."I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
-me, discussing my banking history.
What about the Copernicus Observatory and Newton's University, do the double the sum, or the base?
For example, say the city gives 20 gold to science. A library would make it 30, and a university would make it 40. Now, would the CO double the base, making a total of 60, or does it double the sum, making a total of 80. And say the same city had the Newton's university. Would the NU double the sum after the CO, essentially making your total science 4x, or would it add the same amount as the Copernicus observatory, making the total science 3x?