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The Apolytoners Hall of Fame: December 2004

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  • #31
    Sorry Dissident, punkbass has the truth of the matter.

    We can't all go changing rules on a whim or entropy would damn us all to hell.

    Thanks again to all for the votes- I haven't tallied everyone yet, but tenatively here are the leaders:

    1. Kramsib- {37} [30] (32) 40 —139
    2. Samson- {34} [26] (41) 29---130
    3. Googlie- [23] (27) (36) 43---128

    Ted Striker- (19) (38) 66—122

    DarkCloud- {26} [30] (37) 21—114

    Immortal Wombat- [37] (21) (23) 31—112

    Master Zen- [26] (20) (36) 26—107

    Dr Strangelove- [18] (14) (20) 41---93
    Yaroslav- [27] (18) (13) 33—93

    Jasev- [31] (16) (16) 28—91

    WesW- [16] (30) (24) 16--86

    Theseus- [12] (25) (35) 13—85
    Berzerker- [7] (23) (43) 12—85

    Fez/Giancarlo- [12] (29) (18) 14-- 84
    Ted Striker's almost herculaean effort almost gained him a spot in the Hall of Fame, but sadly, it is right now falling short- as the long popular Alpha Centauri fictioneer and civ/AC diplogamer and AC multiplayer and sage Googlie has edged him out.

    In other news, the wise Samson of Civ II has managed to secure a second place.

    And the spanish bloc has continued to secure Kramsib's place at the top of the list by voting as a unit for him, Yaroslav, and Jasev. (With some dissenters placing votes for Master_Zen as well).

    DarkCloud and Immortal Wombat continue their perennial 'almost-ran' moments as they always manage to gather some support, but just not quite enough to push them over the edge as more 'faddish' and 'well-organized' posting blocs take the cake, such as Ted Striker's current OT bloc... (not to say that he doesn't deserve it- he's been registered longer than the other two- but just stating a fact if you look at the vote receivings- DC and IW have constantly received a steady number whereas Ted and past victors gain upwards of 40 in one month whereas in previous they merely had 10-20... it's just a fact of the hall that creates situations such as this, one which we all live with )
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #32
      ON TOPIC
      ON TOPIC
      ON TOPIC
      ON TOPIC
      ON TOPIC
      ON TOPIC
      ON TOPIC

      Um, I could go on...
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #33

        would be my other two votes.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #34
          * Aeson
          * Theseus
          * DeepO
          Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
          Then why call him God? - Epicurus


          • #35

            2 points each.
            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


            • #36
              updated below
              1) Current Standings (The Previous Votes’ add-ins are in brackets) a
              These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
              (155 posters going into the election)

              1. Kramsib- {37} [30] (32) 43 —142
              2. Samson- {34} [26] (41) 36---137
              3. Googlie- [23] (27) (36) 48---133

              Ted Striker- (19) (38) 76—132

              Immortal Wombat- [37] (21) (23) 36—117

              DarkCloud- {26} [30] (37) 23—116

              Master Zen- [26] (20) (36) 29—110

              Dr Strangelove- [18] (14) (20) 48---100

              Theseus- [12] (25) (35) 26—98

              Yaroslav- [27] (18) (13) 36—96

              Berzerker- [7] (23) (43) 22—95

              Jasev- [31] (16) (16) 31—94

              WesW- [16] (30) (24) 19--89

              Fez/Giancarlo- [12] (29) (18) 14-- 84

              loinburger- [4] (18) (22) 38---82

              Paddy the Scot- (25) (33) 23---81

              La Fayette- [4] (13) (30) 27--74

              Harlan- [27] (19) (13) 14--- 73

              Skanky Burns-[15] (17) (23) 15—71

              OzzyKP- [9] (19) (18) 18---64

              Dominae- [4] (19) (27) 11—63

              Kassiopeia- [10] (10) (17) 21---58

              Dr Spike- [13] (7) (20) 16—56

              Jamski- [9] (16) (20) 10---55

              Alinestra Covelia [14] (10) (14) 14---52

              Togas- [16] (20) (11) 3---50

              Mr. Ogre- [36] (6) (3) 3---48

              Malevolent Light- [8] (14) (17) 8—47

              Pekka- [3] (10) (16) 17 ---46

              Hexagonian- [5] (6) (20) 14---45

              Urban Ranger- [29] (6) (6) 3---44

              MLeonard- -----[14] (10) (15) 4---43

              MrFun- [7] (11) (10) 13---41

              Sagacious Dolphin/Big Crunch/Dauphin- [19] (11) (9)—40
              Ogie Oglethorpe- [6] (7) (15) 13---40
              Molly Bloom- [12] (2) (14) 12---40

              korn469- ---- [11] (16) (9) 3—39

              deity- [10] (8) (7) 13--38

              Zeus_of_Olimpos- [4] (25) (4) 4---37

              Beta- [14] (3) (10) 9---36
              vmxa1---[3] (12) (8) 13—36

              MrWhereItsAt- [14] (16) (4)---34
              SlowThinker-(9) (6) 19---34

              Shi Huangdi- [10] (13) (10)---33
              Tiamat- (14) (13) 6---33

              Arrian [4] (12) (8) 8---32

              Azazel (Dalgetti)- [6] (12) (10) 3--31

              Oerdin- [9] (3) (8) 10--30
              Techumseh- [11] (4) (8) 7---30

              Solver- (13) (8) 8---29

              Wittlich- [6] (14) (3) 3---26
              Sn00py- [10] (6) (7) 3---26
              GePap- [6] (2) (10) 8---26

              ChrisiusMaximus- [3] (10) (9) 3---25

              Snowflake/HongHu- [1] (3) (13) 7---24

              Lefty Scaevola- (11) (4) 8---23

              Chilean President---[4] (16) (2)--22
              cavebear- [10] (8) (2) 2—22
              DaveV- 22
              Aeson- [2] (3) (3) 14—22

              Sprayber – [13] (4) (4)---21
              Agathon---[3] (4) (11) 3--21
              vondrack- [3] (10) (2) 6--21

              CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- [8] (4) (4) 4---20

              Comrade Tassadar- [4] (10) (5)---19
              Frustrated Poet- [5] (8) (6)—19

              Dissident- (11) 7--18

              Jon Miller- [8] (7) (2)---17

              Drake Tungsten- (12) 4--16
              Post Count Zero- [4] (4) (4) 4---16
              PLATO- [3] (7) (3) 3—16
              Ned- (10) 6---16

              Darsnan- (5) 9---14

              SKILORD- [3] (8) (2)---13
              Theben- (7) 6---13
              finbar- [3] (2) (3) 5—13
              Ari Rahikkala- (3) 10---13

              Rommel2D- (12)
              MarkusF- [4] (4) (4)---12
              Aqualung71- (7) 5---12
              mindseye- (2) (3) 7---12

              Kaak- [6] (1) (4)---11

              Lincoln- [4] (4) (2)—10
              Drogue- [4] (2) (4)---10
              David Floyd- 10
              joncha- (2) (3) 5—10
              Sikander- 10

              vovan- (7) 2---9
              Fried-Psitalon- [4] (3) 2---9
              Frankychan- [6] (3)---9
              Zopperoni---[7] (2)---9
              Hydro- (5) 4---9
              Bongo- (3) (3) 3----9
              DeepO- (2) 7--9

              Boann- (4) (4)---8
              Mercator- (8)
              Kody- [1] (3) (4)—8
              fairline- (8)
              alva- (4) (2) 2---8
              Blake- (4) 4---8

              Ljube-Ljcvetko- (7)
              Jaguar- (2) (3) 2---7
              nbarclay- (4) 3---7
              Buster- (3) 4---7

              Exile- (6)
              Coracle-(3) (3)---6
              Rasbelin- (2) 4--6
              Ben Kenobi- (2) 4--6
              Makeo- (3) 3---6
              Wigalf- (3) 3—6
              Whaleboy- (3) 3--6
              Niessuh- (2) (2) 2—6
              Adaigo- (3) 3---6
              Guynemer- (4) 2---6

              Keygen- (2) (3)---5
              GeoModder- (4) 1---5

              Eli- (4)
              Red Trotskyite- (4)
              curtsibling- (4)
              academia- (4)
              tnapoleon- (4)
              Heresson- (2) 2—4
              UberKrux- 4
              shawnmcb- 4

              Verto- (3)
              Winston- (3)
              Serb- (3)
              Martin Gühmann- (3)
              Natalinasmpf- (3)
              Gerar Dean- (2) (1)---3
              Smiley- (3)
              Sparrowhawk- 3
              Tau Ceti- 3
              Kidicious- 3
              Comrade Tassadar- 3
              Sava- 3
              Japher- 3
              ancyrean- 3

              Bloody Monk- (2)
              Kurious- (2)
              Harry Tuttle- (2)
              Lawrence of Arabia- (2)
              jshelr- (2)
              El Mencey- (2)
              Method- 2
              Cort Haus- 2
              Wernazuma III- 2
              Peter Triggs- 2

              2) Who voted for Whom

              -Jrabbit voted for: samson (2), DaveV (2), Berzerker (2)
              alva voted for: Aeson (3), Theseus (3), DeepO (3)
              Ancyrean voted for: Ted Striker (2), Wernazuma III (2),Heresson (2)
              Agathon voted for: Ted Striker (2), Molly Bloom (2), Berzerker (2)
              Andemagne voted for: DarkCloud (4), Kassiopeia (4), Pekka (4)
              Ari Rahikkala voted for: Rasbelin (4), Pekka (4), shawnmcb (4)
              Arrian voted for: Beta (3), Dominae (3), vmxa1 (3)
              Asher voted for: Ted Striker (4), loinburger (4), DarkCloud (4)
              asleepatthewheel voted for: Aeson (2), Theseus (2), Vondrack (2)
              Azazel voted for: Dr Strangelove (3), David Floyd (3), Ted Striker (3)
              Barinthus voted for: Geomodder (1), Oerdin (1), Googlie (1)
              BeBro voted for: Loinburger (3), Ted Striker (3), Molly Bloom (3)
              Bloody Monk voetd for: La Fayette (3), DaveV (3), samson (3)
              Boney voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), WesW (3), Hexagonian (3)
              Boris Godunov voted for: Ted Striker (3), loinburger (3), Dr. Strangelove (3)
              Carloquillo voted for: Jasev (2), Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2)
              chegitz guevara voted for: Dr Strangelove (3)
              Chilean President voted for: Kramsib (3), Jasev (3), Yaroslav (3)
              civman2000 voted for: DarkCloud (3), Togas (3), Fez (3)
              ColdWizard voted for: Samson (3), OzzyKP (3), Jamski (3)
              Comrade Tassadar voted for: Pekka (2), Joncha (2), Jaguar (2)
              DarkCloud voted for: Googlie (3), Master Zen (3), Urban Ranger (3)
              Darsnan voted for: Oerdin (3), Googlie (3), Sikander (3)
              Dauphin voted for: Theben (4), Ben Kenobi (4), Drake Tungsten (4)
              DaveV voted for: La Fayette (4), SlowThinker (4), Samson ($)
              debeest voted for: Samson (3), DaveV (#), Slow Thinker (3)
              Dissident voted for: Tiamat (3), Ted Striker (3), Fez (3)
              Dominae voted for: Arrian (2), Theseus (2), vmxa1 (2)
              Drakan voted for: Kramsib (1), Master Zen (1), Yaroslav (1)
              Drogue voted for: Immortal Wombat (2), Method (2), Kassiopeia (2)
              Dr Strangelove voted for: Ted Striker (4), David Floyd (4), Berzerker (4)
              duke o' york voted for: Sparrowhawk (3), DrSpike (3), Skanky Burns (3)
              *El Awrence voted for: Kramsib (4), Jasev (4), Yaroslav (4)
              el mencey voted for: Kramsib (2), jasev (2), Yaroslav (2)
              Elephant voted for: Samson (2), DaveV (2), LaFayette (2)
              FanCiv voted for: Jasev (1), Kramsib (1), Yaroslav (1)
              FlameFlash voted for: Googlie (3), Snowflake (3), Adaigo (3)
              Flubber voted for: Tau Ceti (3), Googlie (3), Ogie Oglethorpe (3)
              Frustrated Poet voted for: alva (2), Dr. Spike (2), Skanky Burns (2)
              GePap voted for: Dr. Strangelove (3), vmxa (3), loinburger (3)
              Gerar Dean voted for: Kramsib (2), Master Zen (2), Yaroslav (2)
              Geronimo voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), OzzyKP (4)
              Googlie voted for: Alinestra Covelia (4), Hydro (4), Darsnan (4)
              Gosties voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Yaroslav (2)
              Grigor voted for: Samson (3), LaFayette (#), Slow Thinker (3)
              Guynemer voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr Strangelove (4), loinburger (4)
              hexagonian voted for: Immortal Wombat (4), Solver (4), WesW (4)
              Harry voted for: Kramsib (1), Master Zen (1), Yaroslav (1)
              Hercules voted for: Googlie (2), Darsnan (2), Snowflake (2)
              Hydey voted for: finbar (3), deity (3), makeo (3)
              Ignorance voted for: Pekka (3), Kassiopeia (3), ari rahikkala (3)
              Immortal Wombat voted for: WesW (3), Harlan (3), MrOgre (3)
              ixnay voted for: loinburger (4), Solver (4), MrFun (4)
              J Bytheway voted for: WesW (3), Immortal Wombat (3), Hexagonian (3)
              Jaguar voted for: joncha (3), Comrade Tassadar (3), OzzyKP (3)
              Japher voted for: Dr. Strangelove (2), MrFun (2)
              jasev voted for: Kramsib (3), Master Zen (3), Yaroslav (3)
              JCG voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Master Zen (2)
              jm_ruiz voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Yaroslav (2)
              Johann Moritz voted for: Kramsib (2), Master Zen (2), yaroslav (2)
              JohnT voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), loinburger (4)
              joncha voted for: fez (2), Ted Striker (2), Kassiopeia (2)
              Jon Miller voted for: Zeus_of_Olimpos (4), Post Count Zero (4), CivNation (4)
              Kassiopeia voted for: Googlie (3), alinestra covelia (#), Immortal Wombat (3)
              Kelzad voted for: Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2), Jasev (2)
              korn469 voted for: Ted Striker (4), Googlie (4), UberKrux (4)
              Kramsib voted for: Jasev (3), Yaroslav (3), Master Zen (3)
              Krazy Horse voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), Ted Striker (3), loinburger (#)
              Krill voted for: Aeson (2), DeepO (2), Arrian (2)
              Kuciwalker voted for: Fez (3), Wigalf (3), Kidicious (3)
              La Fayette voted for: samson (3), SlowThinker (3), DaveV (3)
              Lawrence of Arabia voted for: David Floyd (3), Mr. Fun (3), Fez (3)
              *Lazarus and the Gimp voted for: mindseye (4), molly bloom (4), Immortal Wombat (4)
              lightblue voted for: Ted Striker (3), loinburger (3), Oerdin (3)
              Ljube-ljcvetko voted for: Dr Spike (2), Skanky Burns (2), Paddy the Scot (2)
              loinburger voted for: Ted Striker (4), Skanky Burns (4), Dr Strangelove (4)
              Lord Nuclear voted for: Theseus (2), Dominae (2), nbarclay (2)
              lord of the mark voted for: tecumseh (3), vmxa1 (3), DrSpike (3)
              Magno_uy voted for: Jasev (2), Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2)
              Manya voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Master Zen (2)
              Maquiladora voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), WesW (3), Harlan (3)
              Martin Guhmann voted for: wesW (3), Immortal Wombat (3), Hexagonian (3)
              Mercator voted for: tecumseh (4), Harlan (4), Ted Striker (4)
              Method voted for: Kassiopeia (3), Alinestra Covelia (3), Immortal Wombat (3)
              Ming voted for: Berzerker (4), OzzyKP (4), Dr. Strangelove (4)
              Modo44 voted for: nbarclay (1), Dominae (1), Googlie (1)
              Molly Bloom voted for: Whaleboy (3), Agathon (3), mindseye (#)
              Monk voted for: Harlan (4)
              monkspider voted for: Ted Striker (3), loinburger (3), Dr Strangelove (3)
              MrWhereItsAt voted for: Googlie (3), Theseus (3), Paddy the Scot (3)
              Ned voted for: Malevolent Light (4), Sikander (4), Blake (4)
              Niessuh voted for: Yaroslav (2), Jasev (2), Kramsib (2)
              Nikolai voted for: DarkCloud (3), korn469 (3), DrSpike (3)
              notyoueither voted for: Aeson (3), Theseus (3), vondrack (3)
              Octavian X voted for: Theseus (2), Googlie (2), Jamski (2)
              Oerdin voted for: Darsnan (3), Sava (3), Ted Striker (3)
              Ogie Oglethorpe voted for: Sikander (4), Ned (4), GePap (4)
              OzzyKP voted for: deity (4), Malevolent Light (4), Berzerker (4)
              Paddy the Scot voted for: Chrisius Maximus (3), Aqualung71 (3), Bongo (3)
              Peaster voted for: DaveV (2), LaFayette (2), SlowThinker (2)
              Petek voted for; googlie (3), Ogie Oglethorpe (3), Ned (3)
              PLATO voted for: Hexagonian (2), vmxa1 (2), GePap (2)
              Playtpus Rex voted for: Paddy the Scot (2), DarkCloud (2), Aqualung71 (2)
              punkbass2000 voted for: Aeson (2)
              Rasbelin voted for: Kassiopeia (4), Ari Rahikkala (4), Buster (4)
              Rasputin voted for: Paddy the Scot (4), Deity (4), OzzyKP (4)
              RedFred voted for: Googlie (4), alinestra covelia (4), Ogie Oglethorpe (4)
              rjmatsleepers voted for: Samson (2), La Fayette (2), Cave Bear (2)
              rush voted for: Master Zen (2), Paddy the Scot (2), Snowflake (2)
              SAMUEL2904 voted for: Kramsib (2), Niessuh (2), Master Zen (2)
              Sava voted for: Ted Striker (3), Oerdin (3), GePap (3)
              Scouse Gits voted for: DaveV (4), LaFayette (4), samson (4)
              self biased voted for: Lefty Scaevola (4), Paddy the Scot (4), Ted Striker (4)
              Shogun Gunner voted for: Beta (3), Paddy the Scot (3), Wittlich (3)
              Skanky Burns voted for: DrSpike (3), Jamski (3), Googlie (3)
              Sikander voted for: Ogie Oglethorpe (3), Molly Bloom (3), Googlie (3)
              SlowThinker voted for: Samson (3), DaveV (3), La Fayette (3)
              Snoddasmannen voted for: Googlie (1)
              snoopy369 voted for: Paddy the Scot (1), MasterZen (1), Vondrack (!)
              Snowflake voted for: Googlie (2), Jamski (2), Theben (2)
              Solomwi voted for: Theseus (2), Dominae (2), Paddy the Scot (2)
              Solver voted for: Hexagonian (3), Immortal Wombat (#), DarkCloud (3)
              Sparrowhawk voted for: Samson (4), LaFayette (4), SlowThinker (4)
              Spec voted for: Loinburger (3), Japher (3)
              Spiffor voted for: Dr. Strangelove (3), Azazel (3), PLATO (3)
              Stefu voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), loinburger (4)
              Tamerlin voted for: Immortal Wombat (2), Peter Triggs (2), Finbar (2)
              Ted Striker voted for: Berzerker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), Dissident (4)
              The Emperor Fabulous voted for: Mleonard (4), Pekka (4), MrFun (4)
              Theseus voted for: Aeson (2), DeepO (2), Cort Haus (2)
              The Slayer voted for: Jasev (2), Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2)
              Trev voted for: Berzerker (2), deity (2)
              Tuberski voted for: Jaguar (2), Guynemer (2), Lefty Scaevola (2)
              Unspeakable Horror voted for: DarkCloud (4), Master Zen (4), Kramsib (4)
              Velociryx voted for: Googlie (4), Theseus (4), Skanky Burns (4)
              VJ voted for: Ari Rahikkala (3), Dissident (3), Kassiopeia (3)
              vmxa1 voted for: Theseus (3), Dominae (3), Arrian (3)
              Wernazuma III voted for: Lazarus and the Gimp (3), Ted Striker (3), ancyrean (3)
              Wittlich voted for: Tiamat (3), Beta (3), Snoopy (3)

              *Registered 1999
              -->Visit CGN!
              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #37
                Got new totals, DC?
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #38
                  My three votes, alphabetically:



                  • #39
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #40
                      well, notyoueither, since you asked:

                      1) Current Standings (The Previous Votes’ add-ins are in brackets) a
                      These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
                      (155 posters going into the election)

                      1. Kramsib- {37} [30] (32) 47 —146
                      2. Googlie- [23] (27) (36) 63---148
                      3. Samson- {34} [26] (41) 43---144

                      Ted Striker- (19) (38) 78—134

                      DarkCloud- {26} [30] (37) 31—124

                      Immortal Wombat- [37] (21) (23) 36—117

                      Master Zen- [26] (20) (36) 31—112
                      Berzerker- [7] (23) (43) 33—106
                      Yaroslav- [27] (18) (13) 46—106

                      Dr Strangelove- [18] (14) (20) 52---104

                      Theseus- [12] (25) (35) 26—98
                      Jasev- [31] (16) (16) 35—98

                      Harlan- [27] (19) (13) 37--- 96

                      WesW- [16] (30) (24) 19--89

                      Paddy the Scot- (25) (33) 30---88

                      Fez/Giancarlo- [12] (29) (18) 14-- 84

                      loinburger- [4] (18) (22) 38---82

                      La Fayette- [4] (13) (30) 30--77

                      Skanky Burns-[15] (17) (23) 17—73

                      Dr Spike- [13] (7) (20) 29—69

                      OzzyKP- [9] (19) (18) 22----68

                      Dominae- [4] (19) (27) 13—65

                      Kassiopeia- [10] (10) (17) 25---62

                      Jamski- [9] (16) (20) 14---59

                      Pekka- [3] (10) (16) 27 ---56

                      Alinestra Covelia [14] (10) (14) 14---52

                      Togas- [16] (20) (11) 3---50

                      Mr. Ogre- [36] (6) (3) 3---48

                      Malevolent Light- [8] (14) (17) 8—47

                      Hexagonian- [5] (6) (20) 14---45
                      korn469- ---- [11] (16) (9) 9—45

                      Urban Ranger- [29] (6) (6) 3---44
                      Molly Bloom- [12] (2) (14) 16---44

                      MLeonard- -----[14] (10) (15) 4---43

                      MrWhereItsAt- [14] (16) (4) 8---42
                      Ogie Oglethorpe- [6] (7) (15) 15---42
                      Sagacious Dolphin/Big Crunch/Dauphin- [19] (11) (9) 2—42

                      MrFun- [7] (11) (10) 13---41
                      deity- [10] (8) (7) 16--41

                      vmxa1---[3] (12) (8) 16—39

                      Techumseh- [11] (4) (8) 15---38
                      Beta- [14] (3) (10) 11---38

                      Zeus_of_Olimpos- [4] (25) (4) 4---37
                      SlowThinker-(9) (6) 22---37

                      Shi Huangdi- [10] (13) (10)---33
                      Tiamat- (14) (13) 6---33
                      Solver- (13) (8) 12---33
                      Oerdin- [9] (3) (8) 13--33

                      Arrian [4] (12) (8) 8---32

                      Azazel (Dalgetti)- [6] (12) (10) 3--31
                      Sn00py- [10] (6) (7) 8---31

                      Mercator- (8) 20--28

                      Lefty Scaevola- (11) (4) 12---27

                      Wittlich- [6] (14) (3) 3---26
                      GePap- [6] (2) (10) 8---26

                      ChrisiusMaximus- [3] (10) (9) 3---25
                      vondrack- [3] (10) (2) 10--25

                      Snowflake/HongHu- [1] (3) (13) 7---24
                      Comrade Tassadar- [4] (10) (5) 5---24
                      Aeson- [2] (3) (3) 16—24

                      Agathon---[3] (4) (11) 5--23
                      Darsnan- (5) 18---23

                      Chilean President---[4] (16) (2)--22
                      cavebear- [10] (8) (2) 2—22
                      DaveV- 22

                      Sprayber – [13] (4) (4)---21
                      Dissident- (11) 10--21

                      CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- [8] (4) (4) 4---20
                      Drake Tungsten- (12) 8--20

                      Frustrated Poet- [5] (8) (6)—19

                      Jon Miller- [8] (7) (2)---17
                      fairline- (8) 10---17

                      Post Count Zero- [4] (4) (4) 4---16
                      PLATO- [3] (7) (3) 3—16
                      Ned- (10) 6---16

                      SKILORD- [3] (8) (2)---13
                      Theben- (7) 6---13
                      finbar- [3] (2) (3) 5—13
                      Ari Rahikkala- (3) 10---13
                      David Floyd- 13

                      Rommel2D- (12)
                      MarkusF- [4] (4) (4)---12
                      Aqualung71- (7) 5---12
                      mindseye- (2) (3) 7---12
                      Sikander- 12

                      Kaak- [6] (1) (4)---11
                      Ljube-Ljcvetko- (7) 4---11
                      Hydro- (5) 6---11
                      Buster- (3) 8---11
                      curtsibling- (4) 7---11
                      Exile- (6) 5---11

                      Lincoln- [4] (4) (2)—10
                      Drogue- [4] (2) (4)---10
                      joncha- (2) (3) 5—10
                      Makeo- (3) 7---10

                      Frankychan- [6] (3)---9
                      Zopperoni---[7] (2)---9
                      vovan- (7) (2)---9
                      Fried-Psitalon- [4] (3) (2)---9
                      Bongo- (3) (3) 3----9
                      DeepO- (2) 7--9

                      Boann- (4) (4)---8
                      Kody- [1] (3) (4)—8
                      alva- (4) (2) 2---8
                      Blake- (4) 4---8
                      GeoModder- (4) 4---8

                      Jaguar- (2) (3) 2---7
                      nbarclay- (4) 3---7
                      Heresson- (2) 5—7

                      Coracle-(3) (3)---6
                      Rasbelin- (2) 4--6
                      Ben Kenobi- (2) 4--6
                      Wigalf- (3) 3—6
                      Whaleboy- (3) 3--6
                      Niessuh- (2) (2) 2—6
                      Adaigo- (3) 3---6
                      Guynemer- (4) 2---6
                      Japher- 6
                      Harry Tuttle- 6

                      Keygen- (2) (3)---5

                      Eli- (4)
                      Red Trotskyite- (4)
                      academia- (4)
                      tnapoleon- (4)
                      UberKrux- 4
                      shawnmcb- 4

                      Verto- (3)
                      Winston- (3)
                      Serb- (3)
                      Martin Gühmann- (3)
                      Natalinasmpf- (3)
                      Gerar Dean- (2) (1)---3
                      Smiley- (3)
                      Sparrowhawk- 3
                      Tau Ceti- 3
                      Kidicious- 3
                      Sava- 3
                      ancyrean- 3
                      Flubber- 3

                      Bloody Monk- (2)
                      Kurious- (2)
                      Harry Tuttle- (2)
                      Lawrence of Arabia- (2)
                      jshelr- (2)
                      El Mencey- (2)
                      Method- 2
                      Cort Haus- 2
                      Wernazuma III- 2
                      Peter Triggs- 2

                      2) Who voted for Whom
                      (over 205 posters have voted)

                      -Jrabbit voted for: samson (2), DaveV (2), Berzerker (2)
                      alva voted for: Aeson (3), Theseus (3), DeepO (3)
                      Ancyrean voted for: Ted Striker (2), Wernazuma III (2),Heresson (2)
                      aneeshm voted for: Berzerker (3), David Floyd (3), Flubber (3)
                      Agathon voted for: Ted Striker (2), Molly Bloom (2), Berzerker (2)
                      Andemagne voted for: DarkCloud (4), Kassiopeia (4), Pekka (4)
                      Apocalypse voted for: Berzerker (4), MrwhereItsAt (4), Solver (4)
                      Ari Rahikkala voted for: Rasbelin (4), Pekka (4), shawnmcb (4)
                      Arrian voted for: Beta (3), Dominae (3), vmxa1 (3)
                      Asher voted for: Ted Striker (4), loinburger (4), DarkCloud (4)
                      asleepatthewheel voted for: Aeson (2), Theseus (2), Vondrack (2)
                      Azazel voted for: Dr Strangelove (3), David Floyd (3), Ted Striker (3)
                      Barinthus voted for: Geomodder (1), Oerdin (1), Googlie (1)
                      BeBro voted for: Loinburger (3), Ted Striker (3), Molly Bloom (3)
                      BigFree voted for: MrWhereItsAt (4), Vondrack (4), Paddy the Scot (4)
                      Bloody Monk voetd for: La Fayette (3), DaveV (3), samson (3)
                      Boney voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), WesW (3), Hexagonian (3)
                      Boris Godunov voted for: Ted Striker (3), loinburger (3), Dr. Strangelove (3)
                      CapTVK voted for: Harlan (4), Dr. Spike (4), Harry Tuttle (4)
                      Carloquillo voted for: Jasev (2), Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      chegitz guevara voted for: Dr Strangelove (3)
                      Chilean President voted for: Kramsib (3), Jasev (3), Yaroslav (3)
                      civman2000 voted for: DarkCloud (3), Togas (3), Fez (3)
                      ColdWizard voted for: Samson (3), OzzyKP (3), Jamski (3)
                      Comrade Tassadar voted for: Pekka (2), Joncha (2), Jaguar (2)
                      curtsibling voted for: Exile (2), Harry Tuttle (2), fairline (2)
                      Cyrion voted for: Yaroslav (2), fairline (2), curtsibling (2)
                      DanS voted for: Dr. Strangelove (4), Dr. Spike (4), Drake Tungsten (4)
                      DarkCloud voted for: Googlie (3), Master Zen (3), Urban Ranger (3)
                      Darsnan voted for: Oerdin (3), Googlie (3), Sikander (3)
                      Dauphin voted for: Theben (4), Ben Kenobi (4), Drake Tungsten (4)
                      DaveV voted for: La Fayette (4), SlowThinker (4), Samson ($)
                      David Floyd voted for: Berzerker (4), Pekka (4), Lefty Scaevola (4)
                      debeest voted for: Samson (3), DaveV (#), Slow Thinker (3)
                      deity voted for: OzzyKP (4), Makeo (4), Ljube-ljcvetko (4)
                      Deity Dude voted for: Deity (3)
                      Dissident voted for: Tiamat (3), Ted Striker (3), Fez (3)
                      Dominae voted for: Arrian (2), Theseus (2), vmxa1 (2)
                      Drakan voted for: Kramsib (1), Master Zen (1), Yaroslav (1)
                      Drogue voted for: Immortal Wombat (2), Method (2), Kassiopeia (2)
                      Dr Strangelove voted for: Ted Striker (4), David Floyd (4), Berzerker (4)
                      duke o' york voted for: Sparrowhawk (3), DrSpike (3), Skanky Burns (3)
                      *El Awrence voted for: Kramsib (4), Jasev (4), Yaroslav (4)
                      el mencey voted for: Kramsib (2), jasev (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      Elephant voted for: Samson (2), DaveV (2), LaFayette (2)
                      Exile voted for: Curtsibling (3), fairline (3), Heresson (3)
                      FanCiv voted for: Jasev (1), Kramsib (1), Yaroslav (1)
                      FlameFlash voted for: Googlie (3), Snowflake (3), Adaigo (3)
                      Flubber voted for: Tau Ceti (3), Googlie (3), Ogie Oglethorpe (3)
                      Frustrated Poet voted for: alva (2), Dr. Spike (2), Skanky Burns (2)
                      GePap voted for: Dr. Strangelove (3), vmxa (3), loinburger (3)
                      Gerar Dean voted for: Kramsib (2), Master Zen (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      Geronimo voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), OzzyKP (4)
                      GhengisFarb voted for: DarkCloud (2), Sn00py (2), Comrade Tassadar (2)
                      Googlie voted for: Alinestra Covelia (4), Hydro (4), Darsnan (4)
                      Gosties voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      Gramphos voted for: DrSpike (3), korn469 (3), Mercator (3)
                      Grigor voted for: Samson (3), LaFayette (#), Slow Thinker (3)
                      Guynemer voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr Strangelove (4), loinburger (4)
                      gwillybj voted for: Googlie (3), Darsnan (3), GeoModder (3)
                      Harry Tuttle voted for: curtsibling (2), Mercator (2), fairline (2)
                      Heresson voted for: Mercator (3), Exile (3), Harlan Thompson (3)
                      hexagonian voted for: Immortal Wombat (4), Solver (4), WesW (4)
                      Harry voted for: Kramsib (1), Master Zen (1), Yaroslav (1)
                      Hercules voted for: Googlie (2), Darsnan (2), Snowflake (2)
                      H0bbes voted for: Googlie (3)
                      Hydey voted for: finbar (3), deity (3), makeo (3)
                      IdaGno voted for: googlie (1)
                      Ignorance voted for: Pekka (3), Kassiopeia (3), ari rahikkala (3)
                      Illuminatus voted for: Googlie (2), Hydro (2), Darsnan (2)
                      Immortal Wombat voted for: WesW (3), Harlan (3), MrOgre (3)
                      ixnay voted for: loinburger (4), Solver (4), MrFun (4)
                      J Bytheway voted for: WesW (3), Immortal Wombat (3), Hexagonian (3)
                      Jaguar voted for: joncha (3), Comrade Tassadar (3), OzzyKP (3)
                      Jamski voted for: Skanky Burns (2), DrSpike (2), Sagacious Dolphin (2)
                      Japher voted for: Dr. Strangelove (2), MrFun (2)
                      jasev voted for: Kramsib (3), Master Zen (3), Yaroslav (3)
                      Jay Bee voted for: Kramsib (4), Jasev (4), Yaroslav (4)
                      JCG voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Master Zen (2)
                      jm_ruiz voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      Johann Moritz voted for: Kramsib (2), Master Zen (2), yaroslav (2)
                      JohnT voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), loinburger (4)
                      joncha voted for: fez (2), Ted Striker (2), Kassiopeia (2)
                      Jon Miller voted for: Zeus_of_Olimpos (4), Post Count Zero (4), CivNation (4)
                      jtsisyoda voted for: Googlie (2), Darsnan (2), Ogie Oglethorpe (2)
                      Kassiopeia voted for: Googlie (3), alinestra covelia (#), Immortal Wombat (3)
                      Kelzad voted for: Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2), Jasev (2)
                      korn469 voted for: Ted Striker (4), Googlie (4), UberKrux (4)
                      Kramsib voted for: Jasev (3), Yaroslav (3), Master Zen (3)
                      Krazy Horse voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), Ted Striker (3), loinburger (#)
                      Krill voted for: Aeson (2), DeepO (2), Arrian (2)
                      Kuciwalker voted for: Fez (3), Wigalf (3), Kidicious (3)
                      Kull voted for: Harlan (4), Techumseh (4), Mercator (4)
                      La Fayette voted for: samson (3), SlowThinker (3), DaveV (3)
                      Lawrence of Arabia voted for: David Floyd (3), Mr. Fun (3), Fez (3)
                      *Lazarus and the Gimp voted for: mindseye (4), molly bloom (4), Immortal Wombat (4)
                      lightblue voted for: Ted Striker (3), loinburger (3), Oerdin (3)
                      Ljube-ljcvetko voted for: Dr Spike (2), Skanky Burns (2), Paddy the Scot (2)
                      loinburger voted for: Ted Striker (4), Skanky Burns (4), Dr Strangelove (4)
                      Lord Nuclear voted for: Theseus (2), Dominae (2), nbarclay (2)
                      lord of the mark voted for: tecumseh (3), vmxa1 (3), DrSpike (3)
                      Magno_uy voted for: Jasev (2), Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      Maniac voted for: Googlie (4), Kassiopeia (4), Buster (4)
                      Manya voted for: Kramsib (2), Jasev (2), Master Zen (2)
                      Maquiladora voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), WesW (3), Harlan (3)
                      Martin Guhmann voted for: wesW (3), Immortal Wombat (3), Hexagonian (3)
                      Mercator voted for: tecumseh (4), Harlan (4), Ted Striker (4)
                      Method voted for: Kassiopeia (3), Alinestra Covelia (3), Immortal Wombat (3)
                      Ming voted for: Berzerker (4), OzzyKP (4), Dr. Strangelove (4)
                      Modo44 voted for: nbarclay (1), Dominae (1), Googlie (1)
                      Molly Bloom voted for: Whaleboy (3), Agathon (3), mindseye (#)
                      Monk voted for: Harlan (4)
                      monkspider voted for: Ted Striker (3), loinburger (3), Dr Strangelove (3)
                      MrWhereItsAt voted for: Googlie (3), Theseus (3), Paddy the Scot (3)
                      Ned voted for: Malevolent Light (4), Sikander (4), Blake (4)
                      Niessuh voted for: Yaroslav (2), Jasev (2), Kramsib (2)
                      Nikolai voted for: DarkCloud (3), korn469 (3), DrSpike (3)
                      notyoueither voted for: Aeson (3), Theseus (3), vondrack (3)
                      Octavian X voted for: Theseus (2), Googlie (2), Jamski (2)
                      Oerdin voted for: Darsnan (3), Sava (3), Ted Striker (3)
                      Ogie Oglethorpe voted for: Sikander (4), Ned (4), GePap (4)
                      OzzyKP voted for: deity (4), Malevolent Light (4), Berzerker (4)
                      Paddy the Scot voted for: Chrisius Maximus (3), Aqualung71 (3), Bongo (3)
                      Peaster voted for: DaveV (2), LaFayette (2), SlowThinker (2)
                      Petek voted for; googlie (3), Ogie Oglethorpe (3), Ned (3)
                      PLATO voted for: Hexagonian (2), vmxa1 (2), GePap (2)
                      Playtpus Rex voted for: Paddy the Scot (2), DarkCloud (2), Aqualung71 (2)
                      punkbass2000 voted for: Aeson (2)
                      Rasbelin voted for: Kassiopeia (4), Ari Rahikkala (4), Buster (4)
                      Rasputin voted for: Paddy the Scot (4), Deity (4), OzzyKP (4)
                      RedFred voted for: Googlie (4), alinestra covelia (4), Ogie Oglethorpe (4)
                      Richelieu voted for: DarkCloud (3), Paddy the Scot (3), Pekka (3)
                      rjmatsleepers voted for: Samson (2), La Fayette (2), Cave Bear (2)
                      rush voted for: Master Zen (2), Paddy the Scot (2), Snowflake (2)
                      SAMUEL2904 voted for: Kramsib (2), Niessuh (2), Master Zen (2)
                      Sava voted for: Ted Striker (3), Oerdin (3), GePap (3)
                      SCDARS voted for: Mercator (4), Yaroslav (4), Harlan (4)
                      Scouse Gits voted for: DaveV (4), LaFayette (4), samson (4)
                      self biased voted for: Lefty Scaevola (4), Paddy the Scot (4), Ted Striker (4)
                      shawnmmcc voted for: Darsnan (2), Molly Bloom (2), Sikander (2)
                      Shogun Gunner voted for: Beta (3), Paddy the Scot (3), Wittlich (3)
                      Skanky Burns voted for: DrSpike (3), Jamski (3), Googlie (3)
                      Sikander voted for: Ogie Oglethorpe (3), Molly Bloom (3), Googlie (3)
                      Sirotnikov voted for: korn469 (3), pekka (3), sn00py (3)
                      SlowThinker voted for: Samson (3), DaveV (3), La Fayette (3)
                      Snoddasmannen voted for: Googlie (1)
                      snoopy369 voted for: Paddy the Scot (1), MasterZen (1), Vondrack (!)
                      Snowflake voted for: Googlie (2), Jamski (2), Theben (2)
                      solo voted for: Samson (3), La Fayette (3), Slow Thinker (3)
                      Solomwi voted for: Theseus (2), Dominae (2), Paddy the Scot (2)
                      Solver voted for: Hexagonian (3), Immortal Wombat (#), DarkCloud (3)
                      Sparrowhawk voted for: Samson (4), LaFayette (4), SlowThinker (4)
                      Spec voted for: Loinburger (3), Japher (3)
                      Spiffor voted for: Dr. Strangelove (3), Azazel (3), PLATO (3)
                      Sprayber voted for: Japher (3), Dissident (3), Oerdin (3)
                      statusperfect voted for: Master Zen (2)
                      Stefu voted for: Ted Striker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), loinburger (4)
                      Tamerlin voted for: Immortal Wombat (2), Peter Triggs (2), Finbar (2)
                      Ted Striker voted for: Berzerker (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), Dissident (4)
                      Theben voted for: harlan Thompson (4), Samson (4), Jamski (4)
                      The Emperor Fabulous voted for: Mleonard (4), Pekka (4), MrFun (4)
                      Theseus voted for: Aeson (2), DeepO (2), Cort Haus (2)
                      The Slayer voted for: Jasev (2), Kramsib (2), Yaroslav (2)
                      Trev voted for: Berzerker (2), deity (2)
                      Tuberski voted for: Jaguar (2), Guynemer (2), Lefty Scaevola (2)
                      Unspeakable Horror voted for: DarkCloud (4), Master Zen (4), Kramsib (4)
                      valmont voted for: Harlan (4), Mercator (4), techumseh (4)
                      Velociryx voted for: Googlie (4), Theseus (4), Skanky Burns (4)
                      VJ voted for: Ari Rahikkala (3), Dissident (3), Kassiopeia (3)
                      vmxa1 voted for: Theseus (3), Dominae (3), Arrian (3)
                      vondrack voted for: Aeson (2), Beta (2), Dominae (2)
                      Wernazuma III voted for: Lazarus and the Gimp (3), Ted Striker (3), ancyrean (3)
                      Whaleboy voted for: Molly Bloom (2), Agathon (2), Ted Striker (2)
                      Whoha voted for: DarkCloud (3), dans (3), vmxa1 (3)
                      Wittlich voted for: Tiamat (3), Beta (3), Snoopy (3)

                      *Registered 1999
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #41
                        My Votes are:

                        * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                        * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                        * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                        * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


                        • #42
                          Ya know, maybe in a bit of a nod to being on-topic, DarkCloud, people could just vote for the SFRWWNGA.

                          /me snickers
                          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                          • #43
                            sorry... I don't quite follow you there, Theseus?
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #44
                              So Far Right Wing We're Never Going Away?
                              "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                              -me, discussing my banking history.


                              • #45
                                Almost, pb2000...
                                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

