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The f11 screen

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  • The f11 screen

    OK. I forget. Can someone either remind me, point me to a link, or so forth. On the f11 screen, what are each of the items and how are they calculated?

    If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

  • #2
    Well here is what I have on the subject:


    Approval rating:
    The percentage of your people that are happy. If every single person is happy, you have 100%. If everyone is content it is 50%. Edit: This can be misleading when you get specialists, because the specialists count as only content people. So even if everyone is happy or an entertainer, you won't have 100% approval rating if you have any specialists.

    Rounddown (50% + ((Number of happy citizens) - (Number of unhappy citizens)) / (Total number of citizens) / 2 * 100%)

    Population: Add up all the population you get from the city view from all your cities. Not population points, like size 1, 2 or 3, etc. but the 10,000 or 100,000 you see under the city name.
    Sum(i=1..N) {Pop in City(i)}
    Pop in City = {Sum (j=1..(City Size)) {j} + (Food in Storage) / (Storage Size)} * 10000

    GNP: Total gold in all your cities before corruption takes a bite out of it.
    1 gold= 1 million

    Mfg. Goods: Total unwasted shields in all your cities.
    1 shield = 1 megaton.

    Land Area: # of tiles in your territory * 100.
    1 Tile =100 square miles
    Sea is included in this, but does not help in the territory part of your game score.

    Literacy (%)
    (Citizens who live in a city with a Library + Citizens who live in a city with a University + Citizens who live in a city with a Research Lab) / 3 / (Total Number of Citizens) * 100% + (3% if Literature discovered)
    If every city has just a library you will have 33%, because they are missing the other 2 science buildings.

    Edit: Or live in a city with 1 or more scientific Great Wonders (Great Library, Newtons, SETI, Theory of Evolution, Cure for Cancer, and Internet) Copernicus's does not count because despite it helps science, it isn't given the scientific flag. Having 1 of those wonders counts the same as if they had all the other improvements in the city. Two small wonders (apollo and Intelligence Agency) give you credit for having 50% science in that city. You also get 3% added to your literacy rate when you get the literature tech. No bonus when you get education. Great Library still helps your literacy rate even after it is obsolete.

    Disease (%)
    (Number of Floodplains + Jungle in territory) / (Total Number of territory tiles) * 100%

    Pollution: # of tiles that are currently polluted. 1 ton = 1 polluted territory tile

    Life Expectancy (# of years)
    20 + {(Citizens who live in a city with a Granary + Citizens who live in a city with a Aqueduct + Citizens who live in a city with a Hospital) / 3 / (Total Number of Citizens) * 80}

    Family Size: The average amount of excess food that each city is producing/2. If you have 1 city that is producing 4 extra food, that 4 food would feed 2 people, so your family size would be 2 children. Minimum is 1, hard to say exactly what the max would be. In most cases you won't see this above 2, maybe 3 or 4 if all your cities are extremely rich in food, experiencing a very fast growth period or just put down a alot of railroads on irrigated tiles.

    Military Service: 10 years * # of military units / # of citizens. Military units are units with an attack and defense value, so workers, scouts and princesses don't count. Kings do. So at the start of a mass regicide game you will have a military service of 70 years because of the 7 military units *10 years divided by just your 1 citizen. 0 years if you have no army or you have just a few units, but thousands of population points.

    Annual Income: The number of connected strategic/luxury resource types in your territory. The minimum value is 1 and you get a +1 bonus for your first trade route with another civ. Thanks DaveMcW

    Productivity: The total amount of uncorrupted gold, unwasted shields, and excess food you are producing in all your cities
    (Total Shields) - (Total Waste) + (Total Commerce) - (Total Corruption) + (Net Total Food)
    Last edited by vmxa1; December 17, 2004, 12:31.


    • #3
      If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


      • #4
        Talk about being Johnny on the Spot.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          That family size thing always seemed strange to me. If family size is only 1, which it often is for me, doesn't that indicate that I'm losing population? Assuming that most families are for life, replacing one man and one woman with one child would pretty much halve the population for each generation. Or are immigrating barbarians assumed to pick up the slack?
          I'm a slacker, hear me snore...


          • #6
            It is very mislabeled. It is really an average of excess food per city.

            So they are calling it a representation of growth potential and hence children. It does not say anything about the calculations for a town or city that cannot grow, but have extra food.

            Does that still count? No aqua and size 6 and no river, but excess food, no growth. Yeah I know, why would you allow excess food, if you cannot grow, but it does occur. Same for no hospital at size 12.

            Me I just ignore some of the categories as they are of no value.


            • #7
              Yeah, a few game on forests by rivers pretty much have no way to reduce unneeded food while gaining shields or commerce often enough, for example.
              "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
              -me, discussing my banking history.


              • #8
                Doesn't flood plains stop hurting the disease stat with Sanitation?

                And doesn't a city along a river or adjoining a fresh lake get credit for it's natural aquaduct on Life Expectany?
                1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                Templar Science Minister
                AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                • #9
                  "Doesn't flood plains stop hurting the disease stat with Sanitation?"

                  AFAIK. You might need to actually build a Hospital, I'm not sure.

                  "And doesn't a city along a river or adjoining a fresh lake get credit for it's natural aquaduct on Life Expectany?"

                  Again, AFAIK.
                  "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                  -me, discussing my banking history.


                  • #10
                    Remember this is what I have, not the final disposition. It does not reflect C3C. Most of the stuff is not changed, but for instance, plague is not mentioned.

                    IIRC you do need to actually build the hospital for it to be effective.

                    I do not know if it treats rivers as aqua's or not. It should, but I can't say. Not to mention the wonder that allows the city to act as if it had a hospital.

                    It probably does not mater as I can't see trying to match up the numbers, just getting a grasp on them is enough.


                    • #11
                      IIRC - the disease figure represents the value of the terrain, not the chances of it occuring in a game. As I usually ignore this, I do not know if hospitals effect it or not.
                      If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                      • #12
                        Yes it is the value of the terrain. I do not even know if it stops counting tiles in the range of a hospital or not, it should.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vmxa1
                          Well here is what I have on the subject:


                          Annual Income: The number of connected strategic/luxury resource types in your territory. The minimum value is 1 and you get a +1 bonus for your first trade route with another civ. Thanks DaveMcW
                          The last thread this came up in I observed some problems in this category. Did we ever explain them?
                          Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                          • #14
                            I guess not, as if I saw any correction, I would update my list. Of course, I could have missed it.


                            • #15
                              You know they put out two strat guides (civIII/PTW) and could have given the details in them with ease. It is not like it is some trade secret someone is going to steal for another game.

