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The Golden Age of other civs

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gunkulator Still not done with the game and now it is the Industrial Age. The Celts are now the strongest although we are equal in tech. They got Infantry right when I did. I'll have to wait it out for Tanks.
    Well, you do have 30 cannons - which can become 30 artilleries. With some cavalry and some infantry, you can wage war with those with pretty good results - I went through a similar situation, while that gray timeline between Replaceable Parts and Motorized Transportation was passing and I was grabbing resources, luxuries and cool cities.

    Sure, it's a pretty slow war, but is nice if you like to mess up with positioning and tactics.


    • #17
      Some clarity between Solomonwi's and joncnunn's posts would be good... I thought that the first was perhaps an excellent point, unless of course jon is correct.

      My answer is simple, and perhaps a PITA, but worth it: Check F11 EVERY TURN when opponents (whether AI or human) might have a chance of kicking off their GA. So, GWs, UUs, etc., are the notifiers... it's not as hard as it sounds. A GA will be quite evident, if you look for it.
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Theseus
        Some clarity between Solomonwi's and joncnunn's posts would be good... I thought that the first was perhaps an excellent point, unless of course jon is correct.
        It's twue, it's twue [/LilliVonShtupp]

        I just tested it by checking the same tile (mined regular grass at Persepolis, still in Persian hands) before and after starting my own GA, and sure enough, even though it was an enemy tile being worked, the values reflected my GA. Oh, well.
        Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


        • #19
          Originally posted by pedrojedi

          Well, you do have 30 cannons - which can become 30 artilleries. With some cavalry and some infantry, you can wage war with those with pretty good results - I went through a similar situation, while that gray timeline between Replaceable Parts and Motorized Transportation was passing and I was grabbing resources, luxuries and cool cities.

          Sure, it's a pretty slow war, but is nice if you like to mess up with positioning and tactics.
          That's what I don't like about the Replaceable Parts to Motorized Transport time: slow slugfest wars. I want to keep Republic to get me to tanks quickly and I know the Celts probably have 40+ cavalry hanging around. That's at least 80 WW points when they attack, even if I don't lose any units. In addition, they have a similar number of infantry (they are Fascist) which will slowly but surely head for my poorly defended inner cities. I'll need most of the artillery to force them to turn around.

          Finally, I know that the large Celtic empire has but a single oil resource and noone else has a surplus. I know I will beat them to Motorized Transport by at least 10 turns because they are still at war with the now puny Dutch which means they will stay in Fascism (stupid AI). That should give me enough time build up a bunch of tanks and then take out their oil so that they can't build any at all.

          This game has been a frustration for me. I decided to play the Iroquios, a nice easy civ, since I've been having trouble with Emporer as of late. Well, sure enough, no horses and only 1 lux. Stuck on a small penisula with the Sumerians of all people: 10 shield enkidu warrior means no Archer rush or plinking settler/warrior teams. Finally beat the Sumerians with swordsmen although I triggered their GA. Alas, their land was all mountains, plains, desert and no water - although they did have a lux. What's the good of playing an agricultural civ with no water?

          Meanwhile the Dutch sealed me off so I couldn't settle beyond the penisula. Gave suicide galleys a try: turned out to be unnecessary. Although I asked for continents, I got just two big ones separated by just 2 sea tiles. Everyone found everyone else really quickly. So much for exclusive trade deals.

          Although I did eventually find horses on an island, it had to go through the Celts and Dutch to get home and my only war option was with the Dutch. By the time I found those horses, the Dutch were already in the Middle Ages and so they had swiss mercenaries. And the Great Wall. Oh, and their two border cities were on hills. ARGHHH!!! I ask you: what are the odds of getting two neighboring civs that both get extremely cheap and powerful defensive UUs plus mostly hilly and mountainous terrain?

