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How to configure Multiplayer?

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  • How to configure Multiplayer?


    I'm new here but have lurked for a long time

    Basically I am looking for a step-by-step FAQ so two players can multiplay Civ II against each other, using Conquests.

    I am trying to configure two PCs running XP so one can host and one can play, with an internet connection. (They are right now on the same network but won't be for much longer when I move.) Where I'm really having trouble is configuring the firewall for one of them to host. I'm a Mac person (and one of the XPs is actually VPC 7) and I have wanted to do muliplayer for ages so this is very frustrating! In particular the fact the instructions seem to want a range of ports to be open but Windows only seems to allow one port per exception is somethng I don't understand.

    Really apprecite any help or a link.

  • #2
    Just a follow-up. Both the Mac running VPC 7 (XP SP2) and the PC also running XP SP2 can join C3C games hosted by someone else. I have also created over 100 firewall exceptions in the Windows Firewall in both cases. But the "second" PC still cannot see the game the "first" is trying to host, whether using the internet or LAN options.

    I apologise if this is a real n00b question but I have read the FAQ, Googled, etc. - a link to help if it's already been posted would be appreciated. Thanks!

