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  • Muahahahaha!!

    I have the only two Saltpeter on my continent. The Spanish are annoyed with me because I broke an alliance about 1000 years ago (jeez talk about a grudge...) The French cannot create their UU without SP, so they won't attack me (I think) lest they lose that resource and their UU. Has anyone ever had an AI attack you if you are providing a vital resource?
    One OS to rule them all,
    One OS to find them,
    One OS to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.

  • #2
    No, but I can't remember providing one either.


    • #3
      My problem is I have ONE luxury and the only thing I can trade is SP since I just found Gunpowder. I will have them over a barrel at least until Infantry comes around.
      One OS to rule them all,
      One OS to find them,
      One OS to bring them all
      and in the darkness bind them.


      • #4
        How far away is the nearest add'l lux?
        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


        • #5
          Re: Muahahahaha!!

          Originally posted by justjake73
          Has anyone ever had an AI attack you if you are providing a vital resource?
          I have. But it's not common and often requires signing suspicious gpt deals with them. If they can't pay you at some point, they'll go to war no matter what.

          I agree with Theseus' hint - go get them, while you have better units.
          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Theseus
            How far away is the nearest add'l lux?
            It's far enough away so any city would be untenable. The French and Spanish are in the northern hemisphere across an isthmus, and I am stopping there so I can have an easier time defending myself.

            I'll post a picture after I get home.
            One OS to rule them all,
            One OS to find them,
            One OS to bring them all
            and in the darkness bind them.


            • #7

              I'm to the south (purple)
              One OS to rule them all,
              One OS to find them,
              One OS to bring them all
              and in the darkness bind them.


              • #8
                I'm amazed that a good portion of that big continent is still not colonized. What happened? Only 3 civs on the continent and a huge map? A fourth that was destroyed due to Regicide? And there's not even a single measly luxury over that large chunk of territory? Is it jinxed?


                • #9
                  There are gems and furs, just not in MY territory. I play Huge with only 4 AI Civs; I like plenty of room to grow unmolested.

                  Babylon and India are on another continent.
                  One OS to rule them all,
                  One OS to find them,
                  One OS to bring them all
                  and in the darkness bind them.


                  • #10
                    justjake73 that is going to be a lot of work with a huge map and only 4 civs. Go with at least 9, you will still have more land than you want to manage.

                    Also I cringe when I see so many tiles in anyones empire with no roads and few improvements. You want to have all most all tiles under you cultural borders roaded by 1510AD. Some railed.

                    Look at this tutorial I did for a friend once at 1070AD and see all tiles roaded.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      BTW why did you build cities on the small island? Two no less, why not just one?

                      Sorry I just noticed your note that you are purple, You threw us/me a curve by having the focus on someone else.

