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Incredibly Dumb Newbie Question re Catapults

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  • Incredibly Dumb Newbie Question re Catapults

    After 6? years of playing Civ 2 I have dipped my toes in the water of Civ III. I am playing it on chieftain level to try and get the hang of the new rules about trade and combat.

    But one thing has stumped me. I led out three units to attack an enemy city - catapult, archers, spearmen - but when I activated the catapult first, to try and soften up the city defences, it would not attack, and I got a message saying something like, 'only offensive units can occupy cities'. I had to lead the attack with my archers and got my... elbow kicked. Later as the catapult retreated this matrix of red squares appeared around it, showing, I think, where it could attack - but why did it not attack the city when I wanted it to? I am flummoxed and I'm sorry to say I couldn't find any solution flicking through the manual. Can someone explain it to me in words of one syllable?

  • #2
    Bombardment units will display a box outlined in red. Those are the valid squares that can be attacked (in range).

    You use the launch icon to have the cat attack/bomb a target. So if the town had units in it they had to be killed before you could enter. The cat does not attack via a move order like an archer or a spear.

    So you could use the cat to bombard the town and then have attackers finsih off the units. The cat can only occupy empty tiles or those with your units.


    • #3
      most artillary can bombard only adjacent tiles. The tile must have a valid target such as an enemy unit with more than one hit point, an improved tile or a city with units, buildings or multiple citizens.

      press B or click the bombard icon at the bottom of the screen.

      That brings up the red overlay and the target icon.
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      • #4
        Got it. Thanks guys.


        • #5
          Originally posted by noghar
          Got it. Thanks guys.
          You can also hit Shift-B which will have the unit auto-bombard the target each turn. However, you have to turn off the Cancel Orders When Next To Enemy Unit preference, or it won't work. If it's a two square bombard like Artillery, you don't have to bother.


          • #6
            I always wondered why that didn't work. Thanks Will.
            Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
            The continuing saga of The Five Nations
            A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King

