Originally posted by MyOlde
I'm playing a Standard map now and coal is so far away (and belongs to others) that I haven't a hope of ever getting it. And the AI won't run roads to it so that I could even trade for it!
I'm playing a Standard map now and coal is so far away (and belongs to others) that I haven't a hope of ever getting it. And the AI won't run roads to it so that I could even trade for it!
One option in that kind of situation might be to sign a ROP agreement, send over your own workers to build the needed road, and then arrange a deal. If the AI has more than one copy of the resource and you complete the road during your turn (making sure it's linked up to the AI's trade network), you should be guaranteed a chance to negotiate a deal before the AI can trade it to someone else. Then, as long as the AI doesn't go to war with you (and assuming you're willing and able to pay), you can keep negotiating a new trade every twenty turns.
I'm not sure how the timing sequence works out if your workers complete the road in between turns. If the road counts as finished at the end of your turn, the AI might get a chance to trade the resource between the time the road is finished and the time you get a chance to negotiate the deal. If that's the case, the trick would be either to use enough workers to build the final link in the road in a single turn or to have enough extra workers join the project when it is almost finished to finish it during your turn. (For example, on a nine-turn road, two workers could road for four turns and a third worker could then finish it during the player's turn.)
Note that I haven't actually tried this strategy to gain the ability to trade for a resource. But it seems like it ought to work, at least unless something's screwy about when trade route connection calculations are performed.