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  • Conquests

    I have a question. Why are there no Civ3 scenarios available? No Maps, no new units nothing. Not even a google search can reveal such things to me. Thats right folks, i cannot find a single Civ3 useful file. 'Why?' i hear you ask? But there are loads of civ3 goodies splattered about this website alone, you continue. Well i'll tell you why. Civ 3 conquests is not civ 3. C3C is a completely differant game to civ3 because the file types are not compatible. This means i can either spend my evenings sifting through glorious maps and scenarios, all of which belong to a game i do not own nor am able to buy because i aint made of money, in the vain hope that somewhere i might find something useful to me, or i can just play civ3 in the most boring way. Is it so difficult to make a seperate forum for civilization 3 files? because this forum has none of the files for the game which it proclaims to be a forum for anywhere anyones likely to find them does it? I mean you have a seperate forum for civ2 and thats a completely seperate game, so why dont you have one for the REAL Civ3???

  • #2
    Go to CIVFanatics, they have laid out more clearly and accessable! Sorry you are having trouble.

    Largest fan site for Sid Meier's Civilization series.
    The Graveyard Keeper
    Of Creation Forum
    If I can't answer you don't worry
    I'll send you elsewhere


    • #3
      have any really good scenarios been made? I'm curious. Yes I know where to go. But it's hard to get an objective opinion on what is good. Reading the related quest sometimes is not enough.


      • #4
        Well moding and scenario possibilities of original Civ3 are minor compared to Conquests.

        So if you really want good scenarios get C3C.
        (and even PtW expansion could do for some scenarios)

        Still there is possibility to find some at CivFanatics forums.

