In one of earlier threads someone suggested mining grassland squares and after thinking on this subject - it makes sense since it'd ensure that my workers are bringing in some shields along with grassland's food.
I'm curious as of to your preferred approaches such as do you mine grassland bonus tiles only or perhaps irrigrate grassland bonus tiles and mine regular grassland tiles?
What about plains? I often will take a look at what tiles are available to my city and figure out how much food and shield I can get out of those available tiles then make decision on whether to irrigrate or mine. If I decide I'd like to go for greater shield production from a plains tile, I forest them instead since it seems that I'd get same results anyway. Am I correct? I also assume that I'd get less pollution that way since I'm using forests not mines. But again, pollution could depend on the total shield used by that city regardless of where it came from. If anybody could help clear this one up for me, I'd appreciate it greatly.
Same with desert tiles, perhaps?
Mountains and hills - I mine them of course.
What about tundras? It seem to me that I'd get more if I forest them instead of mining those.
Floodplains - I irrigrate those. IIRC those cannot be mined, correct?
Road and railroad everything, I know
In my current epic game, I'm playing the Chinese and I prefer to use optimal city spacing for now. I will experiment with other methods of placing cities later on but anyway that's the point - I'm using that particular method in this game. I built a city right in middle of a large tundra space - all 20 squares were tundra. Seems that there's not enough food production to bring the city population higher than 2
I'm warring the English now just to seize their iron supply. However seeing that I have enough military units to go all the way to the coast (we share southern portion of the continent, I'm on the eastern side, and the Virgin Queen's on the western) I figured why not make my Chinese empire 'from shining sea to shining sea.' so I can explore the other side of the contnient and what lies beyond. Enough with my ramblings - it seems that only one possible optimal city placement for me in that area (due to destroying English one-population cities) is right in middle of 20 surrounding hill tiles. I figured that this city would be in the same situation with the one in the tundra - extremely low food production. Is there anything I could do other than abandoning the spot and seek a favorable terrority?
Again, thanks for your time!
I'm curious as of to your preferred approaches such as do you mine grassland bonus tiles only or perhaps irrigrate grassland bonus tiles and mine regular grassland tiles?
What about plains? I often will take a look at what tiles are available to my city and figure out how much food and shield I can get out of those available tiles then make decision on whether to irrigrate or mine. If I decide I'd like to go for greater shield production from a plains tile, I forest them instead since it seems that I'd get same results anyway. Am I correct? I also assume that I'd get less pollution that way since I'm using forests not mines. But again, pollution could depend on the total shield used by that city regardless of where it came from. If anybody could help clear this one up for me, I'd appreciate it greatly.
Same with desert tiles, perhaps?
Mountains and hills - I mine them of course.
What about tundras? It seem to me that I'd get more if I forest them instead of mining those.
Floodplains - I irrigrate those. IIRC those cannot be mined, correct?
Road and railroad everything, I know

In my current epic game, I'm playing the Chinese and I prefer to use optimal city spacing for now. I will experiment with other methods of placing cities later on but anyway that's the point - I'm using that particular method in this game. I built a city right in middle of a large tundra space - all 20 squares were tundra. Seems that there's not enough food production to bring the city population higher than 2

I'm warring the English now just to seize their iron supply. However seeing that I have enough military units to go all the way to the coast (we share southern portion of the continent, I'm on the eastern side, and the Virgin Queen's on the western) I figured why not make my Chinese empire 'from shining sea to shining sea.' so I can explore the other side of the contnient and what lies beyond. Enough with my ramblings - it seems that only one possible optimal city placement for me in that area (due to destroying English one-population cities) is right in middle of 20 surrounding hill tiles. I figured that this city would be in the same situation with the one in the tundra - extremely low food production. Is there anything I could do other than abandoning the spot and seek a favorable terrority?
Again, thanks for your time!