*Download at the bottom of post*
As per the request of some people, I've posted my graphics mod online so that other people can download it.
Please note that I did not personally make any of these graphics, only assembled them into a single graphics mod pack for my own usage and now for the enjoyment of others. All credit for creation of the graphics is to the creators (the only one of which I remember is Sn00py, who did all of the terrain), and if they should happen to stop by and send me a PM, I will mention that they created one component or another.
Download the ZIP anywhere on your computer and then extract into the Civ 3 root folder.
Please note that doing so will override what graphics you already have.
So if you care at all about what you already have, please make a backup of every file in the ZIP which is overwritten. I am not responsible for any lost graphics or reinstallation requirements. You have been warned.
While the set accomodates Civ 3: Conquests, I don't see why it couldn't be used for any other version of Civ 3 even if you don't have Conquests of PTW (shame on you).
If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to post.
The Download.
1st screenshot:
Shows terrain change, irrigation, borders and resources. Note that some resource graphics have been changed, as well as all of them now having an indicator which shows the amount of food, shields and gold each gives.
As per the request of some people, I've posted my graphics mod online so that other people can download it.
Please note that I did not personally make any of these graphics, only assembled them into a single graphics mod pack for my own usage and now for the enjoyment of others. All credit for creation of the graphics is to the creators (the only one of which I remember is Sn00py, who did all of the terrain), and if they should happen to stop by and send me a PM, I will mention that they created one component or another.
Download the ZIP anywhere on your computer and then extract into the Civ 3 root folder.
Please note that doing so will override what graphics you already have.
So if you care at all about what you already have, please make a backup of every file in the ZIP which is overwritten. I am not responsible for any lost graphics or reinstallation requirements. You have been warned.

While the set accomodates Civ 3: Conquests, I don't see why it couldn't be used for any other version of Civ 3 even if you don't have Conquests of PTW (shame on you).
If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to post.

The Download.
1st screenshot:
Shows terrain change, irrigation, borders and resources. Note that some resource graphics have been changed, as well as all of them now having an indicator which shows the amount of food, shields and gold each gives.