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MOD: Rise and Rule for Conquests

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  • #16
    I was just in the process of getting the new version uploaded to our mirrors.

    There is one mirror up now, and hopefully others will follow in a short while.

    And that's also a good occasion to mention that version 1.02 of the mod has been released. Check out the DYP/RAR Website for more info.

    @Bjornlo: Some of the earliest basic units were made Amphib in an attempt to increase the number of Naval invasions early on. It doesn't quite fullfill that, as the AI is still pretty hesitant to send out too many ships with units, but we think we may have found the solution to that problem, and will be adding that in a later patch. Whether the Amphib flag will then be removed or not, remains to be seen (or rather: tested)
    Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


    • #17
      Thanks! I will download it when I am home from work tonight.
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #18
        Nice write-up in "Computer Gaming' magazine... congrats!!
        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


        • #19
          I've been playing the mod for about a month now and must say how amazing it is. I've been a Civ fan since the Civ 1 and this is simply the best mod to date. No contest! I haven't done a normal game since I first downloaded it. You da man!

          The only thing that frustrates me is how my Tribes tend to start on lands that limit my growth to one city until I discover Monarchy Gov. Yes, I know I can roam until I find suitable land or plant my butt where I am and just be grateful, but it's aggrevating none the less. Maybe some type of early farming (terracing, maybe?) would help. Not being able to farm until Crop Rotation is also a nuisance.

          I disagree with the earlier post that Religous Civs have it easier, I don't think anyone is better off. The only serious balancing issue I have is with the Crusader, Ghost Dancer units. If a militant Civ gets it before you do, they tend to lay waste to you until you cry in pain and give away the farm to make 'em stop. Maybe this unit's to cheap or to powerful?

          If I could make a few suggestions for future patches -
          1)Since we have all these new units, how about an additional unique unit for each tribe? They could be scattered throughout the ages like a Minuteman and an Airborne for the Americans, or a Samarai and a Zero for the Japanesse? I know some would be harder like the Egyptians, but maybe they could get two earlier units.
          2) How about 3 traits for each civ thus making each truely unique (Spanish - Religous, Commercial, Seafaring)?


          • #20
            Hey, is there anything you can do about resource scarcity?

            It's becoming a real problem on all of my maps.

            On the latest map I played, huge, I had the following:

            Horses: 4
            Iron: 6
            Saltpeter: 3
            Coal: 5
            Oil: 5
            Rubber: 3
            Aluminum: 3
            Uranium: 3
            Camel: 2
            Incense: 5
            Elephants: 3
            Gold: 4
            Gems: 2
            Spices: 3
            Dyes: 2
            Tobacco: 1
            Silks: 1
            Silver: 2
            Cotton: 2
            Coffee: 1
            Tea: 1
            Wine: 2
            Sugar: 1
            Wool: 2
            Olive Oil: 2
            Furs: 2

            I can't see a reason for only 4 horse tiles on a map that is 180x180 tiles,

            Just look at how scarce some of those resourses are! Like, 3 saltpeter on the entire map!

            Oh yeah, and my War Galley could not enter an ocean square.

            Great work though!

            Dan O.


            • #21
              The number of resources doesn't relate to map size, but number of Civs.
              And Ancient ships cannot enter ocean tiles, that's correct and fully intended and historical .


              • #22
                Am on my 4th game now. I love this mod. You definitely need a good starting position in order to get off to a decent start, especially at the higher levels.


                • #23
                  Is it possible to dl many smaller files of dyp RaR, instead of that huge file (115+mb)? I've tried to dl twice already(each time diconnected after 65%-70% complete) but I am limited to a dial-up at this time, and as we all know, it takes forever to dl, not to mention the tied up phone line. Please Help!!! Thanks....
                  Last edited by darkprophet; June 25, 2005, 03:43.


                  • #24
                    I love this mod with all it's new techs, "flavor" units. You can build a "Desert Corps" with camels!! My only problem is that - and correct me if this isn't right - each pop consumes a greater amount of food, right? I mean instead of the old "one pop two food", now the first 2 pop seems to eat 2 each, the next seems to eat 3! This makes starting positions and expansion difficult especially if you don't start near something like fruit or cereal. It's nice that unirrigated Plains now produce 2 food, but it would be really nice to have an early form of irrigation - after all, it did not just start with the Middle Ages.
                    One OS to rule them all,
                    One OS to find them,
                    One OS to bring them all
                    and in the darkness bind them.


                    • #25
                      I noticed that the plantations were not working / could not be built, so I did some adjustments. I made a farm for each luxury that auto-produces that lux every so many turns, and I also made the accompanying "shipment." I also created peddlers / merchants / trucks to carry said shipment ('cuz they're immobile). The shipment is "sacrificed" (requiring at least an altar) and adds culture (without having to resort to slicing an enemy open! If anyone needs further details, please let me know by posting here.
                      One OS to rule them all,
                      One OS to find them,
                      One OS to bring them all
                      and in the darkness bind them.


                      • #26
                        I noticed that the plantations were not working
                        Problem is that there is no way to get them working for the AI. The AI cannot use Land Transports, and the original concept (cash like in AoD; no Victory points) doesn't work because that would automatically disable SGLs. And, the AI couldn't even use that correctly - if the treasure is spawned in the capital.
                        Of course, feel free to change the game like you want.
                        But, a major design goal for RaR is to not introduce even more 'Human only' concepts. That's why we removed the plantations in the release.


                        • #27
                          Can the AI use them if they're mobile i.e. do not have to be loaded?
                          One OS to rule them all,
                          One OS to find them,
                          One OS to bring them all
                          and in the darkness bind them.


                          • #28
                            They can use shipments (the SGL issue aside) in general - unless they're spawned in the capital.
                            Those shipments use the 'Capture the flag' settings, so they need to be brought to the capital. If they spawn there, you need to bring them outside and return; and that part doesn't work for the AI.
                            Note the problem is not the immobile thing; that one is fine, if they're a flag unit and can be picked up by any combat unit. But the specialized Land transports don't work.


                            • #29

                              Text placement error here...

                              One OS to rule them all,
                              One OS to find them,
                              One OS to bring them all
                              and in the darkness bind them.


                              • #30
                                LOL, that is hilarious! Who says that is a bug? We intended to do a little licensing/advertising for Firaxis. Why do you think they love us so much?
                                Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
                                or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
                                For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.

