Ok, does someone know if there is an irrigation error in C3C? When i have played like two eras i can build irrigation on any flat ground - although there is no connection to another irrigation square or a river or lake or anything. Can that really be true, an invention that i don't know allows this, or is it an error that hopefully will be solved sooner or later?
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Irrigation error?
Oh, i guess that's the thing, haven't checked exactly when i get it, but no doubt that's the case.. Thx for the reply.."The world is a fine place and worth figthing for." (Ernest Hemmingway)
"Non progredi est regredi"
"Let's make things better." ("Phillips")
Electricity is an industrial age tech, so it would be three eras into the game.
You can irrigate through a city at anytime. So if you have irrigation on one side of a hill with the city center between you and the waterless side, you can irrigate the adjacent tiles.
If you do in fact have Electricity, you can irrigate any tile, regardless of water.
I've sometimes placed cities on a hill just to allow the irrigation path into an otherwise unirrigatable area.
Note that once you have irrigated a tile in the path, you can go back and mine the tiles behind it and still expand the irrigation.
(This is especally useful for when the irrigation path had togo parly thru grassland no shield.)1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
Originally posted by vmxa1
Electricity is an industrial age tech, so it would be three eras into the game."The world is a fine place and worth figthing for." (Ernest Hemmingway)
"Non progredi est regredi"
"Let's make things better." ("Phillips")
Electricy was the same tech used in Civ II to allow irriagation without water access. (Much less of an issue in Civ II, because salt water counted and if all else fails, fully automate a worker in plains and watch it miracously irrigate. Cancel the automation after completion of the irrigation.)1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.
Well, didn't even see that in Civ2, but might be true. Like the Civ3 system better then with fresh water and stuff like that. In my currect game i have two islands with a total of 7 cities that haven't got any water access before i research electricity(But well, it will be invented in one turn
Another thing that is out of topic: I'm playing my good old favorite game of all time these days, Civ3C, always been a shaking ass although it is only a game, but i actually feel afraid when i play it, bad nerves
Well, one of the reasons is that i've just decleared war on the americans (or more like i just wanted to take their "colony-town" of Pheonix because of their deposit of Saltpeter). First of they took like 3 other nations and made them agree to a trade embargo against me. Furthermore, they took Japan into the battle. I took Pheonix pretty smoothly but instead of their military going by the waterways where i now had Ironclads guarding the area, they can't with advanced military units (cavalry) and beat the hell out of me - new tactic: build a town that is closer to the saltpeter than Pheonix and then i accepted peace with them - shortly after i accepted peace with Japan (they were almost afraid of me, and to my big surprice, they thought a clean peace treaty was fair (no war damage costs)).
The thing is: How to make these alliances - i know i have to make an invension and then i have no problems with making an alliance/trade embargo.
But something for the discussion: Is it just me, or should that be a possibility from the very beginning as i believe alliances were quite common back in the good old days... What do you think?"The world is a fine place and worth figthing for." (Ernest Hemmingway)
"Non progredi est regredi"
"Let's make things better." ("Phillips")
When you go to war, you may want to consider making a few alliances (not MPP) with strongest civs to prevent them from coming in against you.
It is not bad to get all, so you can stop anytime you are ready. Otherwise, you may find you have a bunch of wars and will be hard press to get peace all around.
It is not a case of not being able to handle it all, just cautionary.
At warlord, you should be in a dominating position by the time you are researching electricity. At that point, I would not care about alliances. I would just smash as many as I felt like and they would be happy to make peace.