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Beaker Blowout

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  • Beaker Blowout

    If a known tribe discovers the tech you are researching and the adjusted tech cost is below your accumulated total, will you receive the tech even if you are at 0% research and have no scientists?
    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!

  • #2
    I am not sure that you will have any accumulated beakers, if sciences is set to zero. Did you set it to zero on the sme turn?

    If so, I would set one citizen to a scientist. I have not gotten any break throughs with even just one scientist, due to others learning the tech. This could be attributed to the techs cost.

    So I would think that if you could have beakers accumulated to the level the tech required after discount, then you should be able to learn it. I just don't know if it is true or if you can accumulated beakers in your scenario.


    • #3
      The idea is that for xtreme MMing, you have set research all the way back and have no scientists. The GUI will show you "-- turns" for research time. If another tribe gets the tech and lowers your cost, do you get the tech next turn, or do you still need a single beaker to 'carry you over the threshold'?
      Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


      • #4
        You need that beaker, I suspect. IOW if you have no scientist or research, you cannot get a break through.


        • #5
          Yes, vmxa1 is right. You won't get the new tech with zero research, even if you have the required beakers.


          • #6
            Does anyone know how the 'discount' are calculated?

            Seems to me it changed a bit from ptw to c3c.
            Don't eat the yellow snow.


            • #7
              bongo - I can say from testing that it is (although perhaps SLIGHTLY different due to rounding errors perhaps) essentially identical to that in PtW.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Weird, I am observing an 15% discount where there should be 33% according to the formula

                Is this formula still valid btw? Found it in a .txt file on my HD. I think it's from a post by alexman.

                Tech cost = (1 - 0.5 * k / (n-1)) * c * r / d
                k = known civs that already have the tech
                n = total number of civs left in the game
                c = tech base cost
                r = tech rate for the map
                d = difficulty factor

                If I read the formula right, you will get 50% discount if you are the only one not knowing a tech.

                In my example polytheism(c=12?) are know by 2 out of 4 civs, monarch(d=9), tiny map(r=160).

                Base cost 213g, calculated cost 143g, observed cost 181g.
                Don't eat the yellow snow.


                • #9
                  Perhaps you don't have contact with one of the civs who know Polytheism, or one of them doesn't actually know the tech? That would result in k=1 and a 16% discount.

                  Otherwise I don't know. The formula should be correct for PTW and C3C as far as I know.


                  • #10
                    I have contact with all civs...two of them have reached the middle age. I'm at war with one of them btw, but that shouldn't matter?

                    There are a *tiny* possibility I've had a time glitch in my mind and checked the research price the turn *before* the second civ reached to next age...

                    oh well ...bedtime...will...check...tomorrow...must...slee
                    Don't eat the yellow snow.


                    • #11
                      Two people with the tech, but at war with them and are getting a 15% discount and not a 30% ...


                      You've just confirmed my recent hypothesis in Conquests that civs you are at war with don't get the tech discount.
                      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                      Templar Science Minister
                      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                      • #12
                        joncnunn , you won't get to test your theory in this game...

                        I was wrong. There were only one civ in the middle age all the time. The second wasn't in the middle age after all, it was from another cultural group and I confused the city graphics with those of the next age

                        I just noticed the graphic were different than mine
                        Don't eat the yellow snow.

